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She took a deep breath, and with a sound of throat clearing she asked, "May I know who this is?"

There was a moment of silent by the end of the line, before whoever the girl was began to speak.

"Who are you?"

Haerin covered the phone under her palm as she muttered, "This bish... how dare she asked me back." Then she put the phone back to her ear again.

"I'm Jeon Haerin. Unfortunately Jungkookie can't come to the phone right now because he's in the shower. So, yeah if there's anything that you wanted to say to him, you may leave your message to me. And I will gladly deliver it him later on."

Haerin then waited for whoever the girl was to say anything, but all she could ever heard was silence. And the sound of tyres screeching and splashing through puddles. The girl must be somewhere in the street.

"Don't be delusional. My Jungkookie could never be married."

Haerin clasped her hands with the phone in between her palms, and it was right at that moment Jungkook walked out of the bathroom. He switched off the bathroom light and went towards Haerin.

"Is that my phone or your phone?" He asked while drying his hair with a small towel. He ruffled his wet hair so hard that the droplets sprinkled on her face like a garden irrigation system.


He stopped, raised an eyebrow as he innocently looking at her. "What?"

"Can you, at least standing one or two meters away from me before you shake your head like a mad dog?"

He stopped and looking at her with his usual blank expression, before he shook his head way harder.

"Jeon Jungkook! I swear to god if you're not stopping—"

His nose scrunched as he grinned. "Sorry baby." He apologised. He grabbed a dry, clean napkin nearby and used it to wipe the droplets off of her face.

"So who's calling?" He asked soon after he tossed the napkin away.

"Your fangirl." Haerin coolly answered, although she was actually burning on the inside.

Jungkook frowned in utter contempt when Haerin revealed the identity of the caller. He knew it right away what she meant when she mentioned 'fangirl'.

"Exactly my reaction." Haerin almost forgot that the caller was still on the line. She hovered the phone to her ear again, "Welp, my husband is here now so I gotta hang up the phone alright? And don't forget to pay your phone bill later on. Bye have a great life!"

She pressed the end call button and mumbled indistinctly. She yanked her arm when Jungkook reached out his hand in an attempt to take his phone.

"Um... babe? My phone..."

She folded her arms, clutching his phone in between.

"Please...? I need to finish the difficult level game..."

Haerin wasn't having it. Her blank expression made him feel intimidated a little. But he boldly imitating her when he crossed his arms. And purposely flexing his muscles.

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