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Jungkook strolling down the streets, not knowing where to. He kept on walking until he saw a very familiar female figure from afar, and the girl was not yet noticed him. His lips formed into a smirk, changing his direction as he following her wherever she went. She headed to the public library and Jungkook still didn't hesitate to follow her closely.

Haerin walked in and smiled at one of the library workers. The librarian returned the smile by doing the same since Haerin often visiting the library every after school. She went to the bookshelves at the seventh row, picking out a novel which she haven't finished reading yet. She took a novel titled 'Play Hard To Get' and brought it to the reading area. She pulled a chair, sat down and started the reading.

She read for about 10 minutes when she heard the sound of a chair being pulled in front of her. She jerked her head up, and rolled her eyes when a very familiar face of a boy smiling at her.

"Hi." He greeted. She shook her head and proceeded the reading, completely ignoring him. She lifted the book a bit higher just to block his face. "So, what are you reading?" He asked. She sighed, clearly starting to get annoyed as he interrupted her reading. "The title is right here." She pointed her finger onto the cover. "Can't you read the title by yourself?" She darted her eyes back to her novel and blocked his face from her sight again.

Jungkook chuckled and slightly shook his head. "What's up with the cold act, Haerin? I was just asking you nicely." He used his very normal tones in such a sweet way that can melt and vaporized girls away. Or that's what he thought.

Haerin slowly tilted the book down, and blankly looked into his eyes. "Want to know why?" She placed a bookmark on the page she currently reading before she closed it and showed the front cover at him. "This title is the best answer to your question." She said in one breath. He smirked. "So you think you're that kind of person, huh?"

Haerin laughed nonchalantly at him, and it startled her when other readers hushing her for the loud noise. She immediately apologized, slightly bowed as her sincere apology to them. When the atmosphere went back to the usual quietness again, she darted her eyes at him. "I'm going to borrow this novel and read it peacefully at home. Have a nice day." She said sarcastically and abruptly got up, pushing the chair under the table so hard that it hit his knees. She walked away, leaving Jungkook quietly winced in pain behind.

"Haerin! Wait!"

Jungkook called her as they both already outside on the streets. Haerin stopped and turned around with her arms folded at the same time. Jungkook approached her and stopped, catching his breath because of the running to go after her.

He took a deep breath and exhaled. "Can I buy you something?" He offered in between his short of breath. She smiled subtlety. "Really, Jungkook? I don't have times for your jokes right now–"

When she began walking away, he took her by her hand, managed to stop her from leaving him. Haerin began annoyed with him. "Please??" pleaded Jungkook. The guy was very much persuasive, and he would insist no matter how many times Haerin be refusing. So she had no choice but to agree. "Alright. But you only have five seconds to let go of my hand or else—"

Jungkook immediately letting go of her hand, with that charming smile of his showed up on his face. They began walking together, didn't even care to mesmerise his so-called charming smile.

Haerin ended up having an ice cream since she rejected his offer for drinks at the nearest coffee shop. She enjoyed her ice cream in her own world while Jungkook watching her peacefully enjoying the ice cream.

Suddenly, a pretty and young girl approached both of them out of nowhere, back hugging Jungkook out of his consent. The way the girl acted so girly and slutty created such disgust expression on Haerin's face. The girl was so into Jungkook that she acted as if Haerin wasn't there the whole time.

Jungkook was startled by the sudden hug around his torse, smiling in his dismay as he started to feel uncomfortable by the girl's presence.

"Jungkook oppa! How are you today?" She asked, being unnecessary super clingy at him. Jungkook took a step back, with the look on his face asking for help. The girl somehow noticed where he looked and finally acknowledged Haerin's presence who was still enjoying her ice cream.

"Excuse me. Who are you? Are you his girlfriend?" She asked in a cold tone, as if she owned him. The ice cream was halfway there to disappear when Haerin darted her eyes at the girl, completely unbothered by the deadly eyes.

"I'm Choi Haerin, nice to meet you. And no, I'm not his girlfriend. Not even close. But if you are still single, well, just take him. He's all yours by the way." Haerin shortly introduced and walked off, leaving Jungkook bewildered behind with the girl who's now smirking at him.

Haerin walked away happily as she finally alone with her beloved ice cream. "Hope you're happy with your new girlfriend, Jungkook!" She exclaimed in her mind and grinned.

She continued on walking and turned around the corner. Where she accidentally bumped into someone and got hit so hard at her shoulder than she lost her balance and stumbled to the ground. Fortunately the ice cream was gone by then.

"Ow.. My arm.." She groaned, rubbing her arm.

"A-Are you okay??" A male voice in his concerned tone startled her up. She laid her eyes at his sneakers before she slowly looked up to his face. "Ah! Y-yes... I'm okay..." She stuttered, and accepted his hand as he offered to get her up. "Did you got hurt? I'm really, really sorry." He examined her arm without her consent since she's the one that fell.

"No, no! It's okay. I'm fine." Haerin accepted his apology, letting out an awkward laugh. Jimin apologised once again, awkwardly rubbing the back his neck. "I'm Park Jimin by the way." He reached out his hand, and Haerin did the same as well. "Choi Haerin. You must be Jungkook's friend, right?" She took a guess.

Still had his hand behind his chuckled. "Yeah. Have you, perhaps, saw him anywhere? He texted me earlier that he was at the ice cream stall somewhere but I couldn't find him." He asked, although he had no idea if Jungkook was with her or not. Probably he was just taking the opportunity to talk with her.

"Well, he's–"


Haerin and Jimin both turned around, and saw Jungkook running towards them. And just like that, Haerin went back to her deadpan expression the moment she saw him. "Welp, now he's here."

Jungkook finally approached them, breathing heavily. "Oh! Hey hyung!" He exclaimed, still panting.

"Jungkook-ah, where have you been? We were supposed to be at the studio, remember?" asked Jimin, refrained himself from yelling at him in front of Haerin.

Jungkook cooled down for a moment after running all the way to go after Haerin, and the struggles he dealt with the clingy girl just now. Haerin looked at him with her disgust face before looking at Jimin again.

"I should go home now. Sorry for causing you into trouble, Park Jimin." She smiled at him. Jimin shyly laughed, feeling embarrassed by the situation she recalled. "Don't be! It's my fault anyway. And just call me Jimin."

Jungkook just barely stood in silence, being invisible as he witnessed both of them having conversation. Haerin chuckled then smiled back. "Okay then, Jimin. Nice to meet you, and hope to see you again next time." She waved at him then walked away, without even looking or glancing at Jungkook.

"Hyung.." Jungkook called him, trying to steer his gaze at Haerin. When Haerin was finally lost in his sight, he turned to Jungkook with a big smile on his face. "What?" He asked, innocently.

To be continued..

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