Chapter 2

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Will arose at sunrise. This was a natural thing for the young prince to do. Ever since he was young he was the first to be awake. Some time even before most of the servants.

He stood up, standing up from the bed and opening the curtains, allowing the early morning rays to flood the room.

Will ran a hand through his messy, curly bed head and yawned, trying to rid himself of his sleepiness. Outside, the birds had just began their morning song, making him smile.

After taking a moment to look outside, he picked up his pajama pants and putting them on as well as a gray sweatshirt. He opened his door, making his way down stairs to the kitchen for coffee. There, he found Austin and Kayla standing near the coffee pot with mugs for themselves. When they saw Will come in, they started to make him a cup.

"Morning, Prince Will," Kayla greeted, handing him his drink.

"Knock it off with the formalities," he said before taking a sip. "We're friends."

They sat around for a few more minutes, drinking coffee in silence. Eventually, all the other servants began to show up, all of them greeting their prince. Will offered to help make breakfast, but they all declined. They claimed it was no work for royalty.

Will went back to his room after finishing his coffee. He grabbed a pair of shorts, a clean T-shirt, and a pair of socks then hopped in the shower, doing his morning routine. Thirty minutes later, he went back down the stairs and into the dinner room.

Both of Will's parents sat at the table waiting for him. His mother was reading her favorite book, the Iliad. His father was reading the newspaper. When he entered, both of them put aside their read materials.

"Morning, son," they greeted.

"Morning," Will said, taking his seat and filling his plate with waffles.

The king and queen looked at each other when their son wasn't paying attention. They were having a silent debt as to who should start a very serious discussion with the young prince. Naomi, Will's mother, shot Apollo a glare, gesturing for him to begin. At that moment, Apollo knew that he'd lost the battle.

The king cleared his throat. "Will, your mother and I have something we need to talk to you about."

"Okay," Will reply, syrup dripping down his chin. "What is it?"

The king glanced at his wife again before continuing.

"Well, oh how do I put this... Will, you're getting married."

Will almost choked on his waffles. His mother rushed over and patted his back, trying to help him through it. After he was okay, she scolded her husband.

"Apollo, he was eat!"

He raised his hands in defense and explained more. "You'll be marrying the eldest child of King Hades. Her name is Bianca di Angelo and you'll be visiting her castle in two weeks."

"But dad," Will complained, "I don't want to get married."

"You have to. For the sake of the kingdom."

Apollo began to explain all the political things behind the marriage, but the prince wasn't listening. He didn't want to be married, let alone someone he's never met. And what if they didn't like each other? Then what?

"I had someone bring a packet with some information on her to your room. When you get up there, I expect you to look through it," his father stood up. "Now, if you'll excuse me. I have work to do."

"But dad--"

His father waved as he walked away, sipping his coffee. Will groaned, settling back down into his seat. He didn't want to eat anymore.

"How long ago was this arrangement made?" Will asked, looking at his mother.

She sighed, replying, "About two years ago. I'm sorry we didn't tell you earlier."

He huffed, leaving the table without permission. His mother didn't try to stop him either. She understood where he was coming from.

Will quickly made his way back to his room, mumbling under his breath as he did. Once he was in his room, he immediately spotted a folder on his desk. He decided to read it just to please his father.

On top of all the papers, was a picture of what he assumed was Princess Bianca. She has long dark hair that was fashioned into a braid. Her eyes were dark shade of brown and her olive cheeks were dotted with freckles. The princess was beautiful, no doubt, but Will still didn't want to marry her.

He quickly read through the pages about her likes and dislikes. Her favorite hobbies were archery and she liked the woods quite a lot.

After reading about the eldest sibling, he moved onto the only brother of the family, Nico di Angelo.

Nico's eyes were a dark brown, similar to his sister's, but not as dark. His hair was combed and slicked back, but even from a picture it was easy to tell that his hair wasn't meant to be like that. More messy, like he just woke up. His skin was pale and, with the suit, made him look even paler.

He's attractive, Will thought. Then his eyes widened when he realized what he'd just thought.

He looked away from the picture and began reading bout the prince. Apparently, Nico wasn't found at Hades castle much. He often went to go visit his cousins, Percy and Jason, at their homes. His hobbies included sword fighting, reading, walks outdoors, and hanging out with his sisters.

Will glanced at the clock, seeing that it was already noon, and he wasn't even through with all of his homework. He'd been reading all morning at his soon to be family. He decided to take a break and go for a walk to clear his mind.

On his way out, he picked up his phone and headphones for music. He turned on his favorite song while sneaking out of the castle and into the gardens. There, he was finally able to relax. 


So I hoped you liked it. Sorry it wasn't up sooner. I had a little bit of writers block and was determined to get that out of the way before posting this chapter. 

I also posted this story on Tumblr under the user of ouat-hero. There's a link on my profile to my Tumblr page if you want to check that out. It seems to have gotten a lot of notes on there, so I'm happy about that. 

I also posted it on with the same user as Wattpad, but I still need to figure out how the website works.

A little off note, but my friend read the first chapter last night and he lsot his shit in a group text. I woke up to that and I couldn't stop laughing. He was like "Why the hell are Bianca and Will getting married?!" and all I could think was that he doesn't read royal AU's often.

Anyway, vote and comment if you want. Can't make you, though it would be nice.

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