Chapter 17

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*Present day*

"And on top of all that," Nico finished up, "I found out Percy and Annabeth started going out about a week later."

"Wow...," Will muttered. "That's a shit life right there. No offense."

"None taken."

Nico looked at the ground, running a hand through his hair. It had been a while since he had spoken about that day with anyone and he forgot just how bad it was to repeat it all out loud. Will took notice of how Nico was and moved to sit next to him instead of across.

"It's okay if you need to cry," Will told him. "I'll be here to comfort you."

Nico looked up at him, his eyes watering and gave out a laugh. A genuine, happy laugh. Will smiled.

"Thanks Will. It means a lot," Nico said, letting a few of his tears fall. They didn't let execrate any more than that. Over the years, Nico had slowly became more open about his story with his father, but it hit him a little each time. 

Nico leaned against Will, burring his head in Will's chest. Will wrapped his arms around the smaller boy, embracing him in warmth. 


Nico had fallen asleep and was still out when they had decided to stop for the night. Will gently shook his shoulder, waking him from his sleep. Nico complained at first, but followed the blond haired boy into the building.

Everyone else was already inside, waiting to receive their key. Lou Ellen and volunteered to check them all in, so she was also the one picking roommates.

"Alright," she said, holding out the key cards to everyone. "This is mine and Cecil's. Nico, this is for you and Hazel, and here's one for Bianca and Will."

They all headed to the elevator, pressing the button for their floor. All three rooms were on floor four, each were within the same hall. The three groups went their separate ways and into their rooms. It hadn't even been five minutes before Bianca came knocking on Nico's door.

"Coming!" Nico shouted when he heard the knock. He opened it to see Bianca who shoved him out of the way and made her way into the room. "Well, hello to you too," he mumbled sarcastically.

She ignored his comment and explained her situation. "There's only one bed in my room, and I will not be sleeping in the same bed as Will."

"Okay. Make him sleep on the couch."

"There is no couch in there. It's just two arm chairs."

"What about the floor?"

She rolled her eyes. "I'm not that mean."

"Fine. What do you want me to do about it?"

"I take your bed, and you take mine."

Nico's eyes widened. If he had been drinking something, he would have spat it out.

"Me? In the same bed as Will?"

She rolled her eyes again. "In a friend way, not anything else. Please?"

She gave in the puppy dog eyes and Nico gave in. Nico picked up his bag, walking down to Will's room, which was also his now. Bianca was behind him with the key card to let him in.

When they entered the room, Will was sitting on the bed watching the TV. He put it on mute when Nico and Bianca walked in.

"So you agreed?" Will asked him. Nico nodded, waiting for Bianca to leave before talking.

"I don't know she's making us switch. You two are going to have to share a bed at some point."

Will shrugged. "I'm not going to make her if she doesn't want to."

Nico didn't say it out loud, but he appreciated the fact that he wasn't pushing Bianca into something she wasn't ready for. It gave him hope that maybe his sister would be happy with Will at some point in their marriage.

Nico picked up his pajamas and went to put them on in the bathroom. Normally he'd just wear boxers and a shirt, but Will was in the room and they'd have to share a bed. He didn't want either one of them to feel weird, so he put on his black skull pants and a black shirt. With a little struggle because of his cast, he got dressed for bed.

He walked out five minutes later, seeing Will with a box of pepperoni pizza on the bed.

"Lou and Cecil bought it," Will said, his mouth full.

Nico picked up a slice. "That was nice of them. Is there any soda?"

Will picked up a bottle of soda from the ground and handed to him. Once he had finished his slice of pizza, Will went to put on his pajamas. He would've done it before Nico put his on, but wanted to see what he normally wore first. He didn't want to be the only one wearing boxers to sleep.

Will came out a minute later, noticing the channel had changed. Nico had put of Gravity Falls and was so engrossed in it he didn't realize Will was sitting next to him till he asked what was going on.

"Oh, Dipper accidentally made too many copies of himself and now he has to stop them before they do something bad."

Will was about to question how you make copies of yourself, but noticed he'd already lost Nico's attention. Instead he pulled out his phone, checking to see if anyone had texted him. At the moment, there were no messages to answer, so he played a game on his phone with the sound off. He didn't want to disturb Nico.

An hour or so later, Nico yawned and said he was going to bed. He took the right side of the bed. After adjusting himself on his right side, he tried to sleep, but it just wouldn't come. He stared at the wall, waiting to fall asleep.

"Hey, Nico," Will whispered, unsure if he was asleep or not.


"Are you awake?"

"Nah," Nico replied, his words dripping with sarcasm. "I'm just sleep talking and just so happen to be answering your questions."

Will smirked, turning on one of the lights. Nico turned onto his back, sending Will a questioning look. Will wasn't looking though. He looked to be digging through his bag for something. A few seconds later, he pulled out a plastic bag full of different colored string.

"You know how to make friendship bracelets?" Will asked, picking out a few random colors.

"No," Nico replied, sitting up now.

"I'll show you."

Nico gestured to his arm and Will gave him a weak smile, offering to make him one. Once they had picked the colors, Nico pulled out his phone and started to play music. Will immediately recognized it to be Fall Out Boy.

"So," Nico mumbled after five or so minutes, "why are we up at eleven o'clock making bracelets?"

"Because we can't sleep."

"And this going to help how?"

Will shrugged. "It's normally helps when I can't fall asleep. What about you?"

"Stare at the ceiling and contemplate life," Nico answered, half-jokingly. "And reading."

Silence fell over them again and they listened to the music. Nico watched as Will crossed the strings over one another. Ten minutes later, the bracelet was finished and Will tied it around Nico's right wrist.

"Sorry it's not the best," Will said, throwing the plastic bag onto the nightstand. "I can make you another one later."

"No. I like it," Nico told him, lying back onto the bed. "Thanks."

Will turned off the light, lying down as well. "You're welcome. If it breaks, come to me and I'll make another one just like it, k?"

"Okay. Night, Will."


Both boys fell asleep shortly afterwards, happy about the friendship bracelets. Nico fell asleep after Will, fumbling with the strings at his wrist. He promised himself he'd keep it on for as long as he could.

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