Chapter 18

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The next morning, there was a knock at the door. Will and Nico both groaned, annoyed that they had to be woken up. At first, they ignored the person, but the person knocked again. This time, repeatedly.

"I got it," Nico mumbled, shuffling over to the door. He caught a glance of himself in the mirror, seeing how bad his bedhead was. He mentally sighed.

Nico opened the door, ready to ask whoever it was to go away, but then something hit his stomach. He grunted and looked down. Hazel stood in front of him, her head looking up at him with her arms around his waist. He patted her head.

"Where's Bianca? You shouldn't be here alone."

"Bianca said she was going to go take a shower and that I should wake you and Will up. She said you both stink and need to shower," Hazel giggled, covering her mouth. She had obviously added the 'stinky' part herself.

"Well then," Nico knelt down to her height, "tell B she stinks too."

Hazel nodded, giggling again. "Can I stay in here and watch Ladybug?"

Nico turned around to where Will was still laying. "That okay with you?" Will hummed a yes, still asleep. Nico looked over at Hazel, gesturing for her to jump onto the sleep blonde boy. Hazel stifled her laughter as she launched herself onto the bed, jumping onto Will.

"Time to wake up!" she shrieked.

Will knocked her off him, and into the place where Nico had slept. That didn't stop her though. A second later, she at hopped onto Will again, pulling away the blankets.

"I thought you were a morning person," she thought out loud.

"Most the time," he said into his pillow.

Nico smiled at them, grabbing a change of clothes. He disappeared into the bathroom, leaving the task of waking Will up to Hazel. When he emerged ten minutes later, Will as sitting next to Hazel who was now watching Miraculous Ladybug. Both of them seemed to be so into it they hadn't noticed him yet.

A knock at the door got everyone's attention. Nico, being the one nearest, opened it. Bianca stood there, her hair falling over her shoulders and dressed in simple clothing. In one of her hands, she held Hazel's bag, which he assumed had her clothes in it.

"Hazel, time to get dressed," B told her.

"But, Ladybug..." Hazel complained, not wanting to get up.

"I know, but you have to get dressed," her sister said, though it still didn't appeal to the younger girl. "I'll let you have some candy."

Hazel perked up. "What kind?"

"Your pick."

Hazel ran over to her sister, taking the bag from her hands. She went into the bathroom and came out seconds later now dressed for the day.

Bianca and Hazel left a few minutes later, allowing the boys to finish getting ready. They agreed to meet up in the lobby with their bags, and then grab something to eat before taking off again.

When they all met down in the lobby, they went to the buffet area to was. Cecil and Lou arrived just as the boys were sitting down. Bianca was still helping Hazel get her food, so they'd be joining them once they both had their breakfast. Once both of Nico's sisters had seated themselves, they all began to eat.

Twenty minutes later, they had all finished their morning meals and were ready to go. Bianca and Hazel stopped by the vending machine to get the candy the promised earlier that morning, and the other went to check out. Shortly after checking out, they were back in the carriages and on their way to the castle.

Two Odd Princes ~ A Solangelo AU ~Where stories live. Discover now