Chapter 39

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The girls were busy with a last-minute dress fitting. Naomi thought this was an invoice, seeing as the dress should have been 100% done by now. The banquet was three days away.

Most the guest had arrived already and would be staying in their rooms and out of everyone's way. Sadly, that meant that Aries wasn't letting Frank out to play Mythomagic with him. That means that Nico was left with only Will hand out, though that wasn't a bad thing. It was quite the opposite. It was wonderful.

But there was a catch, unfortunately.

Since all the girls were busy and none of the guests were coming out of their rooms, that meant had to help Will with last minute preparations and touch-ups.

The first stop was the kitchens. Apparently, they needed to check again (this was the 5th time according to Will) to make sure everything was on course. It was, just as it had been all the previous times.

Up next was the ballroom. All the tables had to be ready for the food to be set out, flowers from the florist, and for the guest to sit, of course.

Most the tasks were like that. Will had little to fix but by the time they had finished, it had been three and a half hours. The boys decided to rest their feet a little before heading to the dining room for dinner.

Dinner was quiet. Everyone sat around, slumped in their chairs. Even the queen herself looked sluggish, much to everyone's surprise. Will hadn't seen his mother like this often, but when he did, he was concerned.

Apollo joined them halfway through the meal. He too looked exhausted. Not nearly as much as his wife, but just about.

"Let's call it an early night," Apollo said, making sure everyone was on board. Everyone nodded. Then Hazel fell off her chair with a snore.

"Oh, no," Naomi mumbled, rushing to pick her up. Luckily, it wasn't anything too bad or else she would have woken up already.

"I'll take her up to her room, dear," Apollo offered. "You eat with the kids."

The king took the small girl into his arms, pecking his wife on the forehead before heading up to Hazel's room. Naomi turned back to the others. Despite her energy level, she still had a list of things for herself and the others. They all listened to what their tasks were, none really stood out till last one.

"Will and Bianca, you two need to work on your dancing."

Bianca went wide-eyed and started to make up some excuse, Rachel jumping in to save her friend. Will and Nico remained out of it. Naomi rolled her eyes, raising a hand to stop the two from arguing further. They stopped, thankfully.

"I don't know what happened to you two back in the Sky Kingdom, but whatever it was, you two need to make up. Seeing as though I've seen no progress between you two, I'm making more couple therapy."

"But-," B and Will started. They got the hand again.

"Then start speaking to each other more!" she snapped, then realized her actions. "I'm sorry. It's been a long and stressful day," she paused to sigh. "Just... please. I know it's hard, trust me. I understand but for a relationship to work, both of you need to be open to talking about things with one another.

"So, if you could, please makeup by the time the banquet starts? That's all I'm asking. You don't have to kiss if you aren't comfortable with it. We shouldn't have even asked in the first place. It-"

"Mom," Will gently cut her off, "we understand. We'll do our best. As for now, I think you need to relax and get some sleep."

She nodded in agreement, deciding it was best to just head up to bed now. Bianca waited exactly one minute before bolting out of the room and to her room. Will sighed, earning a pitying look from the other two.

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