Chapter 34

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The following morning, Will was woken up earlier than normal by Hazel. The little girl was still dressed in her pajamas and her hair was a mess but she looked wide awake. Will, well he looked like a zombie who'd gone weeks with any brains.

"Hazel, what are you doing up so early?"

"You said you take me to pick up my coloring pages," she reminded. "Let's go."

Will walked back into his room, Hazel following, and checked his phone. It wasn't even seven yet.

"Hazel, I don't think Rachel's up yet."

"Yeah, she is."

"How do you know?"

Then, with a straight face and a serious tone, she replied with, "Rachel never sleep. She'd like a vampire."

Will rose an eyebrow but didn't question. If what she was saying was true, he honestly wouldn't have been surprised. Rachel seemed like the type of person to pull all nighters and drink an abundance of coffee.

Will changed into his clothes for the day in the bathroom while Hazel waited patiently on the couch. The second he walked out, Hazel was already dragging him out of the room, hardly giving him a chance to grab his phone again. Less than ten minutes later, they had reached Rachel's art shed, and sure enough, the redhead was up.

"Hey," she greeted as they came in. Her hair was a worse mess than Hazel's and she had dark circles under her eyes. On the table she was leaning in was a freshly brewed coffee pot and a steaming mug. "Want some?" she offered, pulling an empty mug out from underneath the table.

"Yes. Thank you."

She nodded, pouring his a cup. Meanwhile, Hazel hoped up in the three legged stool behind her, picking up a folder. Inside were the coloring pages Rachel had made just for her. They were perfect, needless to say. The lines her straight and had flawlessly drawn curves and spikes for each page.

One page had a butterfly flying around and a garden in the background. Another one was of a pond with fishes and frogs swimming in the water. Many of them were of nature like that but his favorite was of the sun rise. Very few things in the world would top that scene.

"Will, I have a question," Hazel said.

"Shoot," the boy said.

"Do you like Nico?"

"A--As a friend, yes," Will stammered, a blush spreading across his face.

"Do you like Bianca?"


"But which do you like more?"

"What do you mean?" Will asked, raising an eyebrow. Obviously, she was trying to get something out of him.

"Would one would you rather kiss?"

Will looked over a Rachel like she would help him out there, only the red head seemed to be waiting for the answer as well. Then it dawned on him that this whole arrangement was a set up to make him confess.

Slowly, he started to step back, head for the door. Unfortunately for him, Rachel beat him to it. She pulled a stool up in front of it and took a seat, making it clear he wouldn't be leaving anytime soon.

The blonde closed his eyes. Boy, how this was going to be a long day.


"Where's everyone else?" Nico yawned as he sat down at the table for breakfast. Bianca was the only other person there, and he knew for a fact that they weren't the only ones up. Last he checked, it was 8:53. Will was always up at least an hour before him and Hazel was usual Nico's alarm clock.

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