Chapter 25

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The day had finally arrived. The palace was open for anyone who wished to visit. Men, women and children were everywhere. Families strolled through the gardens, some took tours of the palace, and others were participating in activities that were set up. At the moment, Bianca and Nico were at the archery area. Off near by, a small arts and crafts tent was set up for the smaller kids. Hazel was there with four guards sent to keep her safe. Will was running all over the place, introducing himself personally to all the guest. Guards were with him as well, but he didn't seem the slightest bit worried about his own safety' he was more concerned for the children of Hades.

Will had taken a break from the crowd to come stand by Nico. They both watched as Bianca taught a girl who looked around the age of twelve how to use a bow. The first arrow missed, and the girl ran off to retrieve it. Bianca laughed, warning her to be careful. She noticed the boys standing a little ways to the side, quickly jogging over to see what they were up to.

"See anything suspicious?" she asked the both of them.

"Nothing," Will informed. "I've asked the other guards, but they haven't seen anything. Aunt Artemis showed up with her best hunters. Most are undercover though."

"Hunters?" Nico asked, not having the term before.

"It's what she calls her little army of soldiers. A majority of them are girls though and come in all ages."

"Really?" Bianca questioned. "Like what ages?"

"From young to old. Some are--"

"How do we know which hunters are your aunt's?" Nico asked, wanting to get to the point.

"They're all wearing something with a moon crescent and a star. And, from the one's I've seen, they also have a silver weapon like your bow," he gestured to Bianca's bow slung over her shoulder.

"Wait," Bianca said, looking back over at the girl she had been with earlier. The girl had seemed to disappear. "That girl had a necklace with a moon and star."

Will nodded. "That was one of them."

"But she's twelve. Tha--"

Nico gestured over to another little kid looking for an archery instructor. She glared at Will with the look of 'We'll talk about this later," running over the kid who needed help. Will looked at Nico with pleading eyes, asking for explanation. Nico just shrugged, being of no help to the young prince.

"I feel sorry for you," Nico admitted with a smirk. "You have to marry her."

"You don't like the idea either!"

"True. That is true. When did you last check up on Hazel?" Nico changed the subject.

"Right before I came here. Everything seemed fine."

Nico nodded, scanning the area again. "Good."

Will looked down at his watch, checking the time. "Bianca and I have to leave here in about ten minutes and start acting like a couple for the rest of the day."

Nico glanced over at where Hazel was, worried for her safety. Will noticed, patting his shoulder for reassurance. Just as Will opened his mouth to say something, Nico noticed something odd.

Two guards that were meant to be guarding Hazel had start walking away from their post, a fanatic expression hidden on their faces. Nico narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Will, get Bianca," Nico ordered, placing a hand on his sword as he made his way over to the booth. Will, without a word, did as he was told.

Nico quickly made his way over, unnoticed by anyone else. It seemed like everyone else was too busy having fun to notice Nico, who was dressed as a bodyguard, walking over to a booth with a focused expression. He entered the tent, his eyes searching for a little girl with frizzy hair and golden eyes. It was crowded with many other children, making it a little more difficult to find the princess. Bianca and Will arrived seconds later, looking around franticly for any signs of danger.

Two Odd Princes ~ A Solangelo AU ~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang