Chapter 26

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An hour or so later, the interrogation had ended. Will entered the room where Rachel was staying, two coffees in hand. He handed one of them to red haired girl who gladly accepted it. After taking a few sips, they set down their cups and remained silent.

"So," Will mumbled. "How'd it do?"

"Fine," Rachel whispered, moving her drink between her hands. Will looked up to examine her face. Her eyes were slightly puffy from cry. He glanced at the wastebasket near the table seeing a few used tissues tossed in. "Just stressful, I guess."

Will nodded, opening his mouth to say something, but the door opening cut him off. Both the kids looked up to see a guard. He bowed to Will before turning to Rachel.

"The king and queen would like to see you," he informed her. Rachel nodded, standing up.

"Am I allowed to come?" Will asked.

"Of course, your highness."

The guard escorted them to the office of King Apollo's. Inside, were Will's parents, of course, as well as Nico. Will rushed over, asking about the girls.

"Are they okay? Why aren't you with them?" Will asked quietly.

"They're fine. Hazel's shaken up, but other than that everything's fine."

"But why aren't you with them?" Will asked again.

Nico narrowed his eyes. "There are more important things to worry about. Like what we do with that mad man."

By the desk they heard a choked sob. Will crossed the room, pulling Rachel into a hug. He glared at Nico over his shoulder, only to earn a cold stare. Without speaking a word, they knew they'd discuss this later.

Naomi poured a small cup of tea and a box of tissues before setting it down in front of the girl and patting her back. Rachel had gently pulled them off, whipping her eyes off. She turned to Apollo, politely asking why she was there.

"I was told you were the one to stop Octavian, correct?"


He and his wife exchanged a glance. Noami nodded, telling him to continue.

"For your noble deed, we, my wife and I, would like to make you high duchess."

Rachel blinked a few times, wondering if she had heard right. "What?"

Apollo chuckled lightly. Rachel stood up from pushing the hair out of her face while pacing. The other four in the room watched her till she finally paused, looking at the king.

"How much power would that give me?" the room was silent for a moment, before it dawned on her what she had said. "I'm sorry. That came out wrong. I meant--"

"No, no," Apollo said. "It's fine. What kind of power are you talking about?"

"The kind that lessens a person's punishment."

Apollo rubbed his chin, thinking, trying to figure out what the girl was trying to get out. The queen seemed to be thinking the same. Nico was puzzled as well. Will was the only one who seemed to have an idea of what she was thinking.

"Like... like one that will spare their life?"

Apollo sighed, realizing what her motive was. "You're speaking of Octavian?"

Rachel hesitantly nodded. Behind her, Nico tensed where he stood. The others, not including Rachel, noticed the young boy's anger rise. Apollo and Naomi shared a glance, then one with their son. Silently, they nodded toward Nico, asking him to escort both of them out. Once both the boys were out, Apollo focused completely on the subject in hand.

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