Chapter 22

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The next day, Nico had a doctor's appointment. Bianca came along and waited in the waiting room of the doctor's office. She had ordered the doctor to give her a full report of Nico's physical state. The doctor, of course, promised the whole report as soon as he could get it out.

The doctor led Nico into the room where he'd be checked up on. The walls in the room were white and so was everything else in the room. In the prince's opinion, it was too bright for him.

"The nurse will be right in to check up on you," the doctor said, exiting the room.

Nico sighed, lying back onto the bed as he waited. He flung his right arm over his eyes in hope to keep the light from hurting his eyes, and, thankfully, it worked. Just as Nico was about to doze off, the door opened.

"Rise and shine, Ghost King. It's time for a check up," an all too familiar voice said. Nico raise his arm and opened one eye. Will stood beside the bed Nico was on. With a scoff of annoyance, the smaller boy simply rolled over, ignoring the blond prince. "Come on, Nico; it's just a check up."

"What are you doing here?" he asked. "Shouldn't you be doing some princely duties?"

"Nope. I work in the hospital wind on Thursday's."

"Why?" Nico asked, completely confused as to why a prince would be working as a doctor.

"Remember when I told you I wanted to be a doctor when I was little? Well, my parents would let me help out around here, and even when I found out that I couldn't be a doctor if I had the choice, I stuck around. I normally tail Dr. Yew around and he'll give me something to do, such as your check up. Now," Will reached over to the wall, pulling down the stethoscope, "take off your shirt so I can take you heart beat."

Nico's face redden and he began to find an excuse or a way out. "Can't you do it with my shirt on?"


"Why not?"

"Doctor's order."

"I'm not taking it off," Nico told him stubbornly. "And you're not a doctor."

Will grinned. "Would you like me to go get Bianca? I'm sure he'd be willing to help me out."

Nico's eyes widened, then his face turned red again. He glared at the other boy, mumbling, "Fine."

With some struggle with his cast, he had removed his black shirt, revealing his pale chest. Beside the skin tone, Will immediately noticed how muscular he was. Both boys blushed, but neither one noticed the others; they were both looking away. Nico was embarrassed because he never had his shirt off in front of others. Will, on the other had, was blushing because he found it hard to look away.

Ripping himself from his thoughts, Will made his way to Nico to do his job. He told him when to breath in and out, writing down on his board every so often. In the end, Will concluded nothing was wrong.

"Alright," Will finished, clicking his pen. "You can put your shirt back on." Though I'd rather you not, Will thought to himself. He watched as Nico quickly grabbed his clothing and pulled it over his head.

A minute later, Will left the room going to find Dr. Yew. He found him talking to nurse at the front desk. When he saw the prince, he walked over to take the clipboard.

"So what else can I do?" Will asked as he watched the doctor flip through his notes. After a moment, he replied.

"Yep. Help me out with Prince Nico; his sister said he's quite a handful and you two seem to get along well."

"Dr. Yew, I--"

"Will," the doctor said, addressing him by his name and not his title, "how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Michael."

Two Odd Princes ~ A Solangelo AU ~Where stories live. Discover now