Chapter 4

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On the way to the castle, Lou Ellen and Cecil were helping Will stay calm. They ran through what to say and things not to say. Needless to say, Will was nervous and afraid he was going to embarrass himself.

"It'll be fine," they told him. "The princess is probably just as nervous as you."

Will knew that to be true, but he couldn't help it.

The carriage pulled up to the palace front gates, opening for them. Standing out by he door, the royal family waited for them. Will could see the king and queen standing side by side looking professional. Next to the queen were the two princesses, Bianca and Hazel. The younger princess was tugging on her sister's dress and pointing at the carriage.

"Yes, I see Hazel," Bianca told the small child, "now hold still. We don't want to anger Papa, do we?"

Hazel shook her head, standing still and holding Bianca's hand.

Will exited the carriage, Cecil and Lou Ellen behind him. They greeted the king and queen first, and then the princesses. Will took note that Prince Nico, for some reason, was not present at the moment.

Will stood in front of Bianca, both of them doing their best to avoid the awkwardness.

"Princess," Will said in the most polite tone as possible, "it's a pleasure to meet you." He took her hand, kissing the back of it.

"It's nice to meet you, too," Bianca replied, taking her hand back rather quickly. Will tried not to notice.

Will then knelt down to Hazel's height. "And you must be Princess Hazel, correct?"

Hazel nodded, being shy. She even hide behind her sister.

Will chuckled, "Well, it's nice to meet you as well, princess."

He stood back up, standing in front of the royal family again.

"Your luggage," Hades began to tell them, "will be taken to your rooms shortly. How about Will and Bianca have tea in the gardens and get to know each other?"

Hazel made a noise of protest, but, before Hades could scold her, Lou Ellen suggested they play with the younger princess. Hazel's eyes lit up.

"A splendid idea," Bianca agreed, though, on the inside, she was refusing to have any interactions with this boy. "I'll lead the way."

On the way to the gardens, Bianca realized she didn't have her phone on her. That meant there was no way to avoid Will and she couldn't check up on her brother. Trying to think of where it was, she internally sighed, thinking, this is going to go horribly.


Hazel was playing with Cecil and Lou Ellen in her room. Her nanny was given a break from the two older kids, claiming they had it covered. After playing for ten minutes, a phone rang. It was playing a song that Cecil and Lou Ellen had never heard, but Hazel knew the song. It meant Nico was calling.

Hazel followed the sound, finding the phone -- Bianca's phone -- and answered. "Nico!" she screamed in joy. "Where are you? When are you coming home?"

Nico smiled, hearing his sister's voice. "Hey, Hazel. I'll be home soon. I'll be running a little late though. Like, three days late. Where's B?"

"She's have tea with Will," Hazel told him, not remembering the prince part.

"Okay, can you tell her what I told you? The three days late part?"

Hazel nodded. "I will."

"Thanks sis. Love you."

"Love you, too. Bye."

Two Odd Princes ~ A Solangelo AU ~Where stories live. Discover now