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Nico was determined to pay for college himself. No help from Persephone or Bianca, and certainly to help from student loans. That is why he finds himself working at a busy coffee shop a block away from campus. It was only noon and he was already wishing he was back in his apartment with Will.

He and Will were now twenty-three and working on getting their degrees. Nico was going for a bachelors in mortuary science and Will was majoring nursing and minoring in musical therapy for children.

Will also had a job teaching kids to play guitar on the weekends. It didn't bring in enough to pay for all of college but he also had money from being a prince for twenty years. Nico had money from that as well, but he was saving it for a house and other adult things. If needed, he would use it for paying for college but only if he had no choice.

Time ticked by slowly. Too slowly for Nico's liking, but eventually his shift was over. He wasted no time clocking out and walking the ten blocks back home.

Nico had two plans for the night. The first one was to sleep, and the second one was to cuddle with Will and watching a movie together. Unfortunately, Nico came home to find his second plan would not be happening.

Will was in the living room with two textbooks open and three notebooks out on the table with loose paper scattered out everywhere around him. When the door opened, he glanced up smiling at his boyfriend.

"Homework?" Nico asked. He really hoped it wasn't. He knew doing homework was important but he really wanted to snuggle up with Will tonight.

Will nodded. "I have a test tomorrow."

"Oh, yeah," Nico remembered. Will told him about it last week but it seemed to have slipped his mind. "What's it over?"

"Anatomy," Will answered, jotting something down into his notebook.

"I can help if you want."

Will laughed, startling Nico for a second. At first, the boy was confused but then realized what was so funny. Nico's face turned red and couldn't help from laughing along.

"That not what I meant," Nico managed to get out, still embarrassed.

"I know, I know," Will said, calming down. He looked at Nico again and started laughing until he cried. At that point, Nico just walked away to go and nap. The blonde chased after him to apologize.

"I'm sorry, babe. I didn't mean to make fun of you."

"I know," Nico sighed, turning to face him. He wrapped his arms around Will's neck, pecking his lips. "I'm just tired. And I miss you."

Will pulled him closer, hugging him close. They'd been so busy the past week or so with their own things.

They were both at class all day, never at the same time or in the same room. Will woke up early for school and was there for a majority of the day. He got a two-hour break in the middle of the day and normally came home to cook something for himself and make extra for Nico when he got home. Then he was back off to class until late afternoon where he'd come back home to do his homework and head to bed with Nico.

Nico's day consisted of sleeping a majority of the morning and drinking half a pot of coffee before a long day of classes. After class, he'd head to the library to focus on his studies. Most days, he had a short shift at the coffee shop and wouldn't get home until six o'clock. He and Will would spend time together before bed, rather if that meant going out or just talking on the couch.

Lately, that hadn't been happening. Someone quit at the coffee shop, so Nico was picking up more shifts, sometimes cutting into his homework time. Now when he got home, he still had school work to do, which was hard to do in their apartment due to neighbors being loud and the fact that Will was there just being Will. It made him want to stop what he was doing and do something with him.

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