Chapter 46

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I apologize that the update took so long. I had an English assignment that took a while to do and then exams were this week. They're done now so here's a chapter. Enjoy... or don't. We'll find out.

Also, there is one word in Italian which I will not be translating, just know it's a very bad word towards gay people, and I can't stand looking at it in English.


☀️ Two months before the wedding 💀

Cake tasting wasn't the worst thing in the world. It was one of few parts of the wedding planning Bianca didn't mind going to, nor either one of the boys or Hazel. Though Hazel was too happy that she was cut off after three slices of cake.

"That's no fair," she argued. "You get to eat more cake than me."

"You'll get to eat more cake when you're older," Bianca promised.

That didn't stop the girl from pouting. She went over to his by her brother, giving him the puppy dog eyes. Nico glanced over to make sure B wasn't looking before sliding his slice to her. Hazel grinned, digging into the desert.

And Nico thought he got away with giving his food to his little sister. But he was mistaken.

When they got back from the cake tasting, Hazel threw up all the sweets she had eaten. Bianca helped her clean up and comforted the small girl while Nico ran to find her nanny. When he returned with the nice lady, Bianca glared at her brother.

She knew. Nico's first thought was to run but couldn't move his feet.

About ten minutes later, Hazel was tucked away in her bed with her nanny not too far away. Bianca took her leave, dragging her brother along with her. Once they were far enough away, she began to lecture him, quite loudly, might he add, in Italian. On the bright side, no one knew how much she was swearing right now, but those who passed by knew not to intervene.

Will rounded the corner halfway through with his headphones in. Nico saw him, locking eyes with his boyfriend. Taking a quick look at the two, Will slowly backed off, taking the long way around to wherever he was off to.

At least he was smart enough not to try and stop Bianca.

☀️ One month and two weeks before the wedding 💀

Silena Beauregard made dress fittings and alters bearable. She would always make Persephone leave so that she and Bianca could have girl talks or just talks in general. Other times they'd just ignore what they were supposed to be doing to goof off. In today's case, they were doing something forbidden.

Nico came with Bianca to her altering appointment, or whatever it was called so that they could get the dress altered for him instead. After explaining it to Silena, she laughed.

"Wait, wait, wait," she got out after she had calmed down. "You want you brother to wear this at your wedding?"

"More like his wedding since we're setting it up for the boys to marry," Bianca said.

Silena just shook her head, grabbing her needle and thread. "B, you've done a lot of crazy stuff but this is a completely different level."

"Does that mean you're in?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" the other girl grinned. "Hopefully this knocks some sense into King Hades."

Nico huffed. "Doubt it," he mumbled.

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