Chapter 37

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Three days later, an invitation arrived from the Sky Kingdom. According to what Zeus had said, it was a week long stay at his castle and the invitation reached out to all the older kids, meaning everyone but Hazel. The little girl was upset she could go, but quickly cheered up when they promised to bring her back her favorite candy.

The morning they left, they all piled into a carriage. Things had been awkward between Will and Bianca. The blonde did his best to make things go back to normal but Bianca couldn't even look at him without cringing at the memory from days before. The other two noticed, no explanation needed. All they could do to help was to keep the tension away, which wasn't hard at.

To keep themselves occupied on the trip to the Sky Palace, they argued over music for the most part. The boys wanted to play Fall Out Boy and the girls wanted to listen to the Beatles. The girls won in the end.

By the time they reached the Sky Palace, the sun was setting. Thalia and Jason were out sitting on the steps. Thalia was laying on one step, tapping her foot to whatever she was listening to while Jason looked more alert.

When the carriage came to a halt, the boys left first with the girls following behind. Bianca rushed over to Thalia, scaring the crap out of her. Rachel caught up and introduced herself to the other girl. Meanwhile, the boys went to take care of all the luggage.

"Hungry?" Jason asked as he helped grab one of the bags.

"Um, is that even a question?" Nico sassed.

Jason chuckled. "There's food inside waiting for you guys."

The six of them ran inside, handing their bags over to a few servants before being lead to where the food awaited them.

In the dining hall, the table had three different dishes set out. All simple but perfect after a long day of traveling. Upon entering the room, Rachel found all the chairs empty. Curious, she asked the others where the king and queen was. The Grace siblings shared a glance before Thalia decided to explain.

"To be honest, Zeus is a dick for the most part. Not around much. And stay clear of Hera cause she's a bitch."

Jason rolled his eyes. "Way to sugar coat it."

His sister only shrugged, picking up a plate and filling it. The others followed suit and moved to one end of the table. From there, Bianca and Thalia ganged up on Jason.

"So," B smirked. "Have you proposed to Piper yet?"

Jason nearly choked on his water, earning a giggle from everyone.

"We've been dating for six months," Jason countered. "Why would I propose now?"

"So you have been thinking about it? Thalia grinned.

Jason blushed, doing his best to avoid the question. Unfortunately, it wasn't working. Rachel sat there, confused as could be. Nico did her the favor of giving her a quick summary of Jason and Piper's relationship. Afterwards, everything made more sense.

Ten more minutes passed before the Sky prince chose to flee the room. His sister and Bianca were in hysterics, nearly falling out of their chairs laughing. Nico waited till they composed themselves to ask what the plan was.

Thalia straightened up, wiping tears from her eyes, then answered. "Well, we did tell Apollo that this is meant to be an 'educational' trip for Rachel and the soon-to-be-married couple. The first thing we gotta do is get you guys a history lesson."

"What about Nico?" Rachel asked.

"Nico's here as a guard. He doesn't have to do anything."

"Yes," Nico whispered while the others protested. Thalia reached over, high-fiving the black haired boy. "Perks of being disowned!" he joked. Everyone laughed, though it was a terrible truth.

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