Chapter 49

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By the end of the night, Nico had been moved to the other end of the castle. It took hours but it had been done. He and Will got to spend time together that night under the watchful eye of Persephone, though she did look away to allow the boys some privacy.

The next day, everyone was busy. Bianca had to get a new dress because the one she had originally picked out didn't fit her. Will was put in charge of the ballroom, deciding where things would go and how to arrange the flowers and such. Rachel accompanied him, though Nico couldn't, sadly. Apparently, the redhead was not approved to be one of the chaperones for the boys.

Nico and Will saw each other at dinner that night but they didn't say anything to each other. The adults were watching them, making it a little awkward for either of them speak to one another. Everyone had picked up on it, even Hazel got the hit. Hades didn't seem to, but that wasn't surprising.

With just six more days until the wedding, everyone was stressed. There was still much to be done, none of which anyone wanted to do, the kids especially. So both the queens convinced the kings to give Bianca and Will a little break, taking over their cuties for the day. They agreed and picked out which jobs they'd be taking.

Persephone and Naomi chose the ones outside the castle and forced the boys along, using the excuse that they needed fresh air. At first, they complained but at least they'd be together. Little did they know the real reason.

The four left right after breakfast, taking a car to be discreet. It had taken some convincing, but even if their husbands had said no, they would've taken the car. There was very little the men could do about it.

About ten minutes into their day long journey, Persephone and Naomi explained the reason for the outing.

"We made you two come along so you could get some alone time," Naomi told them.

"But we're with you," Nico pointed out.

"Once we drop you off at the movies we won't," Persephone added.

"What?" both boys gasped. We're they really going to be left alone? Like, for real?

"Look, boys," Naomi took their hands, "you two won't be able to see each other for who knows how long, and you two won't be about to get the time you need together with us adults around. But we have one condition if we let you guys have today, alright?"

"Okay," Will said. Nico nodded in agreement.

"No sex," Persephone told them. Both boys made disgusted sounds and pulled away from the women.

"We're sixteen!"

"And we're mothers making sure our boys aren't having sex at sixteen."

"But if you do, use protection," Naomi added.

"You're so gross, Mom."

Naomi shrugged, leaning back in her seat while Persephone pulled out her wallet and counting out some bills. Once she had counted out enough spending cash, she passed it to the boys, urging them to take it. Naomi handed them the tickets she had bought for the boys the night before, waiting for their reaction.

"Mom, I love you!" Will screamed. Nico leaned over, grinning from ear to ear, politely thanking the women across from them and kissing his boyfriend on the cheek.

"And it's a gay movie," Nico pointed out.

"That it is."

The car pulled to a stop and the chauffeur informed them that they were at their first stop. The boys got out, promising to keep their parents informed of where they were. Once the car had driven around the corner, the boys linked hands and took off running for the movie theater. And strangely, it felt normal.

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