Chapter 7

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After getting scolded by his sister, Nico went back into the dining hall. Will had just finished when Nico walked in, so they went to the library. Neither one of them talked as they made their way down. Nico was excited to go back the library that he hadn't seen in years. Will thought about starting a conversation, but didn't know what to start with.

They reached the library doors, the guards opening them for the two princes. They entered, thanking the guards.

"Any books you're looking for," Nico asked Will.

Will started to recall all the books his father told him to read so he knew the country better. "The History of Hades Kingdom by Thoth. My father said it was a thrilling book."

Nico rolled his eyes. "Okay, any other book? One that you might actually find entertaining."

Will was about to defend himself, but then he saw how Nico was looking at him. It was the 'don't-even-try-lying' look. "Do you know any good fiction books?"

"Of course I do. Follow me."

Nico lead him to the back of the library where all the fiction books were. Hundreds of books lined the wall. It reminded the young prince of the times before he was kicked out. Oh, the joy these books brought him.

"Wow," Will mumble. "This is way more than I have a home."

Nico cracked a smile. "What kind do you like?"

"Fantasy adventure."

Nico thought of all the fantasy adventure books that every person should read. He knew where almost all of them were, so he went off to find them, telling Will he could look around. Twenty minutes later, Nico had a stack of books for Will that would occupy him for his stay.

"Let's see... " Nico said, trying to pick where to start. He held up the first Harry Potter book. Will said he'd read all of them at least three times. "How about this?" He pointed to the box set of all the Narnia books, which Will had read before. It when on like this for a while, before Nico finally said, "What have you not read?!"

Will thought about it, replying with, "Dragons. I haven't read too many things with dragons."

Nico turned around to the bookshelves again, returning with four books. The first was blue, the second red, the third one back, and the final one green. Nico picked up the first one, reading the back out loud.

"Fifteen-year-old Eragon believes the is merely a farm boy -- until his destiny as a Dragon Rider is revealed. Gifted with only an ancient sword, a loyal dragon, and sage advice from an old storyteller, Eragon is soon swept into a dangerous tapestry of magic, glory, and power. Now his choices could save -- or destroy -- the empire."

Nico waited for a response. The response that Will had was taking the book as well as the others.

"They sound good. I'll start reading them tonight, but can you help me find that other book? My dad gave that book to me as homework."

Nico nodded, leading the other prince to the area he thought it would be. They both started looking, but struggled for over forty minutes before taking a break. While they looked, they made small talk. Then Will asked Nico a serious question that he's wanted the answer to all day.

"Does your sister like me? I don't mean like like me, but is she warming up to me at all?"

Nico sighed, beginning to explain. "Bianca is doing her best to be nice, but she's still mad about the whole arranged marriage thing. Especially because she's never dated or fallen in love and now it's being forced upon her. My parents aren't helping with it either; she feels uncomfortable in situations she's forced into, like all the dates my father's setup. Does that make any sense?"

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