Chapter 40

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Bianca had dragged Will to the archery range. Her bow from Artemis was already there waiting for her, and, oddly enough, Will's old bow was there too. He hadn't used it in months, but sure enough, it was in the same condition as when he last saw it.

Apollo had given Will this bow on his twelfth birthday. When he had received it, the juniper wood had been glossy and smooth. Now, after years of use, it had lost its shine and been carved into with a knife. Little swirls and music notes covered the weapon, completely giving its own personal look.

Bianca picked them up a quiver of arrows for each of them and plopped them down. She loaded her bow, glancing over at the blonde.

"When was the last time you shot a bow?"

"A while," Will answered. "Why?"

"You need to let off some steam. Don't deny it."

Will didn't. He couldn't. He was truly upset and maybe B was right about letting off some steam.

B shot the first arrow, hitting the bullseye. The second one right next to the last one. Will loosened his shoulders and shot an arrow as well. It somehow hit the center, much to the blonde's surprise. Bianca only grinned.

"Lucky shot," she stated.

Will, wanting to prove her wrong, shot again. It hit the bot dot again.

"You sure?"

"Let's make a bet," Bianca proposed. "If I win, you owe me chocolate from the Sky Kingdom. The fancy kind."

"And if I win, you owe me a pie. A fancy one."

"Challenge accepted."

The archery showdown began.


Rachel took Nico inside to the castle and to an old room. It seemed to be an indoor art studio for Rachel messy works. Sheets covered the floor with paint splats all about them. The walls looked to have paint exploded on them with all different colors. Nico was about to ask how she had done it when the redhead dragged a bucket over.

It was full of water balloons.

Without any explanation, Rachel took one and smashed it against the wall. It exploded on the impact, paint flying over the whole room. Nico did the same, channeling every emotion possible into the blow.

"Let it all out," Rachel said, picking up a green balloon. She handed a red one to Nico. "Tell me what you're thinking."

Nico threw a few more paint balloons before forming his sentences.

"Doesn't he have a brain? We can't actually be a thing. We'd get caught. His parents would be mad. The public would probably shame us for our sexuality. We just... we can't..." he paused before chucking another balloon with a scream. "Stupid homophobia!"

Rachel snorted. He was right about that.

"And does he really think he can get out of an arranged marriage. He has to marry my sister. My sister who doesn't even like the idea of being with someone! Oh, and then once they're married he'll be my brother-in-law and then the media will be talking about them all the time, rubbing it in my face that we can't be together."

"So you do want to be with him?"


Silence. Rachel stared at Nico, and Nico froze. He hadn't admitted it out loud. He hadn't even been able to admit it to himself before but now that he had, it felt so... so real.

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