Chapter 27

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There will be translations at the end.

The following morning, there was a lot of tension between the boys. Nico, being the stubborn boy he's always been, refused to interact with Will. Bianca would've given him the cold shoulder as well if it weren't for the fact that she'd need to cooperate with him. Though that didn't stop them from treating Rachel poorly either.

Rachel wasn't even given a glance from either of the di Angelo's. This only made her feel worse, and it was clear that she was upset. So upset that Hazel felt the need to try and comfort her, but when Hazel tried to help, she was swooped up by her brother and carried away from the red haired girl.

"Am I really that bad?" she asked Will, nearly in tears.

"No, Rachel. They're just hurt. Just give them some time and they'll come around," Will assured, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. She nodded, leaning into the one armed hug.

"Do you think I could see Octavian today?"

Will paused, thinking if it were possible she'd be able to at all. In the end, all he could do was tell her that it was up to the king and queen. So that's where she went next. She went to the rulers of the kingdom to ask.


Naomi was the only one of the two who was available and she was more than happy to see Rachel. Upon hearing the request, the queen sighed, gently patting the girl's head.

"If that's what you wish, then I suppose I'll allow it," the queen said. "But someone has to go with you. I suggest Will since he's the only one who won't leap at the chance to kill him."

"Thank you," Rachel replied, giving the queen a quick hug before going to find Will. Luckily, it didn't take long; he was waiting right outside the room like he was waiting for her.

The two made their way down to where Octavian was being held. It was down in the dungeons. Further down than most were.

The way down to the cell was cold and frightful. The cement walls were dull and grey, giving off a depressing feel. Lights hung from the ceiling, though the lower they got, the more Rachel began to notice they flickered. This didn't make the girl feel safe despite the fact that her and Will were surrounded by at least a dozen guards.

They approached the door of the cell and one to the two guards who were guarding the door went to unlock it. Before it was completely unlocked, Rachel looked over her shoulder and back at Will. He gave her a reassuring smile and gestured for her to enter.

"Go. You can do this."

In response, she took a deep breath and smiled back as well. Then, with a little pep talk to herself, she entered the small, cold cell where Octavian was.

Octavian didn't acknowledge the door opening and closing, or the sound of someone entering. He just sat in the corner, staring at the cracked stonewalls. From the dim lighting, Rachel noticed his appearance had changed from the day before. Instead of his assassin's get up, he wore a bright orange jumpsuit and a set of chains held tightly to his wrists, preventing him from moving too much.

"Octavian?" Rachel whispered, her voice cracking.

The blonde snapped his head in her direction, blink a few times. Then, very slowly he began to stand up and make his way over to the red haired girl. Once he was close to her, he raised his hands hesitantly, like he was unsure about touching her, before putting them both back down again. During the whole thing, their eyes were kept locked onto one another, both too afraid to look away.

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