Chapter 45

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Later that night after dinner, Bianca took her brother before he and Will could run off to do whatever male couples do.

Nico wasn't worried. He knew his sister supported him and wouldn't be the slightest bit upset if he was kissing her fiance behind her back.

Bianca dragged Nico up to her room and started up a video game. They didn't say anything about the Hunters or Will. They just played video games like siblings do. And also screaming like siblings do.

"You did not just throw that shell!" Bianca complained.

"But I did," Nico laughed, zooming right past Toad. Bianca growled once she had recovered from the blue shell attack, now three places behind her brother.

"I'll make you pay for that."

"Oh, really."

"Rainbow Road's up next, bitch."

"That's my home turf," Nico grinned.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you tell me about you and Will?"

She didn't need to look away from the screen to know that her brother was blushing. But from the corner of her eye, she did see him sink back further into the cushions of the couch.

"Are you upset that I didn't tell you?"

Bianca sighed, relaxing back as well. She paused the game to focus more in the conversation.

"No," she admitted. "I understand why you didn't. I just... I thought I'd find out from you the moment it happened."


"It's not your fault. I get why you didn't tell anyway."

"Same with you."

Bianca sighed, falling over on the couch, her head laying on Nico's lap. They stayed like that for a very long time until suddenly sat up. At first, Nico was confused and waited for her to say something, but the look in her eyes told him everything.

Bianca had an idea, but that doesn't necessarily mean it was a good one.


The next week, Annabeth and Thalia met up Bianca at the bridal shop, both prepared to try on dresses. Nico and Rachel came with, ready for any and all complaints from the girls (mainly B).

Unlike last time, Naomi and Persephone chose not to come. To them, shopping for bridesmaid dresses was more of a friends thing; no mothers allowed kind of thing. Another reason was wedding preparations. There were a few things they decided to do to ease the stress of Will and Bianca.

While browsing the many racks of colorful dresses, Thalia and Bianca had started chasing each other around the place, Nico and Rachel had begun to judge every single gown they found in every single way possible, and Annabeth... well, she was actually looking for what they were all there for. And she ended up finding a nice selection for both her and Thalia.

The two went into the dressing room and put on the dresses. And the cycle seemed to repeat itself on an endless loop. It wasn't till Annabeth put her foot down did they actually pick one.

"What are we doing after this?" Thalia asked. "And, like, the next three days we're here?"

"Well, we have a little...," Bianca paused finding the right word, "intervention tonight. In my room with Will and Nico."

"About what?" Annabeth question.

"You'll find out then," Rachel assured. "It's nothing bad."

And the subject changed to weapons. As for why or how Nico had no idea. He had completely missed the first part of the conversation due to the text he had just gotten from Will. He and Hazel had played Go Fish, and guess who lost?

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