Chapter 3

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Will sat in a carriage, making his way to Hades castle. It was nightfall now, so they were planning to stop at a small inn about half an hour away from the castle. His coachman said they should just continue on, but Will insisted they stop for the night; besides, he didn't want to disturb the royal family in the middle of the night.

The past two weeks had been busy for Will. He had been fitted for three new suits, reading stacks of books on the kingdom's costumes, and, possibly his least favorite, ballroom dancing and other things he'd need to woo the princess.

The carriage stopped on the outskirts of the town at a small inn that was still open. It wasn't the finest place, but it didn't matter to the young prince. All he wanted was a bed to sleep in for the night. He told his men, and everyone else that came with him that he was checking in. Without waiting for any objections, he entered the building.

At the front desk was a woman in her late twenties. She was reading a book, but looked to be falling asleep. Will couldn't blame her; it was almost eleven at night.

"Um, miss?" Will said, lightly tapping the woman's shoulder. She jolted up, her reading glasses falling off as she did.

"Oh, sorry, sir. Uh, what is it you need?" she asked.

"I need a room for one and for one night. There are a few others outside that will be in shortly as well."

"Oh, um, one second," she stood up from the desk, walking down the hall into another room. She poked her head into the room, speaking with someone. A minute later she returned with a boy behind her. The boy looked familiar.

"Here's your key, and my friend, Nico, will show you to your room."

Will took the key, thanking the woman, and then followed Nico. When he heard the name, he had a suspicion that it was the prince, but he knew that couldn't be right; the prince would be at the castle, right?

"So... you have the same name as the prince," Will stated causally, trying to start a conversation, and see if he was correct.

"Yep," Nico answered, nodding his head. "What's your name?"

"Will," the blonde replied.

"Same name as the Sun prince?"

"Yep," Will answered.

They were at the door now. Nico told him that if he needed anything to call the front desk. Will bid farewell to the black haired boy, entering his room. Nico began to walk away, but turned around; looking at the door once it was closed.

That boy looked a lot like Prince Will, he thought.

Nico shook his head, telling the woman at the front desk he was heading home for the night, and that he'd be back by seven in the morning. On his way out, he caught a glimpse of a carriage, the one he assumed the boy Will came in, and, if he didn't know any better, he could've sworn he saw the royal seal of the sun kingdom on it.


Nico ran down the street to the inn. His alarm didn't go off this morning, so he was running late. He knew this meant that he'd have to stay later as a punishment. That's how the manager always punished late employees.

He ran, sneaking past the front desk where the manager was right now, and entered the kitchen. The cooks were cooking breakfast for the guest who ordered room service.

"Nico!" someone shouted. He turned to see the head chef holding out a platter. "Take this to room 22, please."

Nico nodded, placing the platter on one of the carts. He rolled it out of the kitchen and into the elevator, making his way to the second floor. He was at room 22 within two minutes.

Nico knocked on the door, waiting for whoever was inside to open the door.

"One moment," the person said, so Nico waited.

The door opened, revealing the blonde haired boy from last night. Will's hair was damp, most likely from a shower, and his white button up shirt was tucked halfway into his trousers.

"Oh, hello, Nico," Will greeted.

"Morning," Nico replied.

Will stepped out of the way, allowing Nico to enter the room. Rolling the cart in, Nico entered the room. The room was still as spotless as it had been when he last entered.

Nico set the platter down on the table, taking his leave. Will thanked him as he left. Before Will could even shut the door, his two friends, Lou Ellen and Cecil Markowitz, came in. Lou Ellen was the daughter of Lady Hecate and Cecil was the son of Hermes, the owner of the number one shipping company. Will had brought them along instead of a servant; he knew that there would be enough servants to help him once he arrived at Hades palace anyway.

"Time to get ready, Will," Lou reminded him, as if he'd already forgotten.

He rolled his eyes, starting to eat his food. Lou and Cecil were the very few people who didn't call him 'Prince Will' or 'your highness' and Will was happy about that; it reminded him he could have normal friends.

"Come on," Cecil said, nudging Will's shoulder. "No time to eat. You have to get ready."

Will groaned, standing up and found his suit.


Nico was in the kitchen help make breakfast for the entire inn guest. He was cutting some fruit for a smoothie when the manager called him out. Nico gulped, knowing he had been caught about being late.

"Nico," Ms. Fisher said once they were in the hall. "This is the fifth time you've been late this month."

"I know, but--"

"On top of that," she continued, "you've broken three plates and two untouched wine bottles, and they were the expensive type too." She sighed, getting to the point. "I hate to do this, but you're fired. Today, you'll be getting your last pay check."

"Okay," he replied back in a bored voice. "I was planning on quitting soon anyway."

He walked back to the kitchen to finish his task, thinking about where he'd work next. There was a bakery a few blocks away that was hiring. He could get a job there. In the middle of his thinking, his phone rang. He looked down to see it was 'The Huntress', Bianca's code name. They were always afraid someone might take Nico's phone, so everyone had a code name on his phone.

He took a little break to answer the call.

"Hey, B," he answered.

"Where are you? He's on his way," she shouted into the phone.

"I'm still at work, but I swear I'll be there as soon as possible. I still need to go home and pack and then I might need to look for a new job--"

"New job? What happened to working at the inn?"

"I'll explain later," Nico told her. "See you soon."

He hung up, making his way back to the kitchens.  


And here's chapter 3 for you guys!

I went back to school Tuesday and I'm exhausted. It's only day two. It's going to be a long year... Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their school year so far. You're probably not because of homework and people. 

Comment please. I really helps to have feed back.

Vote if you want. It's nice to see that you're at least enjoying it a little.

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