Chapter 15

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*4 years ago*

Hades had decided to pay his younger brother, King Poseidon, a visit. He had also brought his children along: Bianca and Nico Di Angelo. At the time, Bianca was fourteen and Nico was twelve. Hazel had just been born and Hades thought bringing her along would quite a lot of hassle for her mother.

It was a cold winter day in the sea kingdom. Snow had fallen the night before, cover the ground with a fresh layer of white, cold fluff. The sun was high in the sky when they arrived, the light glaring of the snow.

The carriage rode to a stop in front of a large castle right off the coast of the sea. The cold water reflected the late afternoon light, glistening off the waves.

King Poseidon stood in front of the palace, with his wife, Queen Amphitrite, beside him. Their son, Percy Jackson, was nowhere to be seen. From where Nico sat, he could see the both of them whispering to each other in hushed voices, no doubt about it was about Percy's whereabouts.

When they had all exited the carriage the king was introducing himself and his wife the children. As Poseidon was leading them inside, a boy banged open the door. The boy, Nico thought, was the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.

The boy looked to be the same age as his sister, fourteen. His black hair hung in his face, covering his sea green eyes till he pushed it away. He stood taller than Nico, but, then again, most people did. At Percy's hip, was a sword. From what Nico could see, the hilt was made with leather and there was something written on it.

"Percy," Poseidon scolded his son. "Where have you been?"

Percy huffed, catching his breath. "Sorry, Dad. I lost track of time."

His father was about to scold him again when his wife placed a hand on his arm. Poseidon's gaze softened and introduced Hades and his children to Percy.

"It's nice to meet you," Percy beamed, shaking their hands. He shook Nico's last, causing him to try and hid his blush. Percy laughed thinking Nico was just being shy. "I don't bite. Trust me."

Queen Amphitrite suggested they all go inside and have tea. She had made cookies herself. Percy was excited. His step mother's cookies were almost as good as his mom's.

Hades took a seat across from the king and queen in the arm chair. Bianca took the other arm chair, leaving the only place for Nico to sit was by Percy on the sofa. He turned red once again, debating if he should just sit on the floor.

"Come on, Nico," Percy patted the seat beside him. Nico hopped up, taking a cookie off the tray in front of him.

The adults talked, not allowing the kids to go away or do anything. All three children were growing bored. After ten minutes of listening to them whine, Poseidon suggested Percy show them his room. All three leapt up, Percy taking the lead to show them his room.

The whole room was blue. The walls were one shade of blue, the bed sheets were a darker color, and the carpet had a different tint from every thing else. They noticed there was a TV with a shelf full of discs and games they could play. Mounted to one of the walls were all sorts of different weapons.

"Wow," Bianca and Nico said, lost for words. Percy laughed, telling stories about each piece he had.

"And this shield," Percy exclaimed, picking up a bronze shield with some strange monster on it, "is something my younger brother, Tyson, made for me."

"How old is he?" Bianca asked.


"Where is he?"

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