Chapter 28

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Octavian's trial was held a week later. Hades had arrived the morning of and wanted to get on with it right away. Both kings were present, as well as the prince queen of the Sun Kingdom, and both di Angelo's. Hazel was the only royal excluded from the event due to her age and, well, she wouldn't want to see Octavian. He threatened her after all.

The trial was held in the throne room. Apollo and Hades sat beside each other. Beside them was the rest of their family who were present. Apollo's wife was to his left, with Will next to her. Rachel sat beside Will, a brooch gleaming on her chest to show she was the High Duchess of the Sun Kingdom. On the opposite side, Bianca sat beside her father, and Nico at the end. The room was filled with others. All were part of higher part of society or news reporters.

The room fell silent when the door opened, ushering in the criminal. He looked in worse condition than he had the last time Rachel had seen him a week prior. His long hair was tangled, tousled and thick with grease. It was clear by the way he looked that he was tired and was sore all over from the tiny cell he had been held in.

Nico leaned over, whispering something into his sister's ear. The older sibling glared, shooting back an insult. Hades caught the two in the middle of their argument and ended, hushing them to be quiet. They did as they were told, leaving a tension in the air.

Octavian was brought to the front of the room right in front of thrones where he was forced to kneel. He didn't fight against the guards as they forced him to his knees. It would've been too much of a hassle.

Once the former assassin was kneeling, King Apollo stood. Everyone followed in suit.

"I've gathered you all here today to determine the fate of this young man," Apollo's voice boomed. "Former Count to the Sun Kingdom from the my own family, Octavian is now on trial for an attempt at murder of Princess Bianca di Angelo, the injury of Prince Nico di Angelo, and the threatening of Princess Hazel Levesque of the Mortem Kingdom. This is an act of treason against the crown of both the Marten and the Sun Kingdom and this man's actions will not go without punishment. If anyone objects to my reasoning or would like to add to it, please, step forward now."

The ruler was greeted with silence.

"In that case, we shall continue on with the trial," Apollo sat back down, indicating for everyone to do so as well. "Octavian, if you will please explain your actions."

Octavian glared up at the king, but stopped once he felt Rachel gaze. Instead, he looked down at the floor, feeling the disappointment from the red haired girl. He told his story, his reasoning without glancing up once. The whole time he could feel the anger and hatred coming off King Hades and Prince Nico, but that made no difference to him.

"Is that all?" Apollo asked.

"Yes, your highness," the blond seethed. Apollo barely blinked at the tone in his voice.

"Then we'll move onto the witnesses. Princess Bianca, if you'll please..."

The guards moved Octavian out of the way, allowing the Princess to take his place. Bianca took her stand in front of the throne where Octavian had been previously. Apollo asked her to retell the events of the night, which she did without hesitation and remained calm throughout all of it. Afterwards, Nico came up retelling everything in explicit detail. Hatred and anger laced each word that left his mouth and it was obvious that he wanted the worst for the young man. Will told his version after Nico's, and finally Rachel went up and told her experience from a week before. At the end of retellings, the trial moved on.

"There are a total of three people who are here to defend the man in question. Naomi Solace, if you will please step to the front to defend Octavian."

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