Chapter 5

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Nico hesitantly knocked on the office door. He heard his father say come in, so Nico did, knowing it was too late to turn back.

Hades faced toward the window, his back turned away from his son. Nico stood near the door, expecting this to be a quick visit. Unfortunately, Hades told Nico to sit. The young boy knew this meant he was in trouble.

"Nico," Hades spoke without any emotion, "where were you when Prince Will arrived?"

"Finding a new job," Nico replied with attitude, not caring how his father felt. Hades ignored the tone in his son's voice.

"And why's that?"

"I got fired for being late." There was a silence, Nico assumed that this was all the king wanted to know. "Is that all?"

"No," the king finally turned to look at his son. It had been over a year since they had seen each other face to face. He noticed how much his son had grown. He looked paler, and his hair was longer and more unkempt. "At the end of the month is the engagement party. The next day your sister and the prince will be on their way to the sun kingdom. The day they leave, I expect you to leave as well."

Nico narrowed his eyes and clutched his hands in anger. "Is that all you called me up here for? Just to give me an evacuation notice? To kick me out? I know the only reason I'm here is so the prince doesn't get suspicious of our family 'secret'."

Their family's 'secret' was about Nico being gay. No one other than the royal family knew about it. The servants in the castle knew there was a fight between the father and son, causing many difficulties for everyone, but they never knew what the fight was about. The rest of the kingdom didn't know anything about it, and, when the prince was away, they were told it was for political reasons; that Nico was going to negotiate or make deals to help their country. In reality, it was because the prince wasn't welcomed by his father.

Hades sighed with his eyes shut. "Nico, just bear with me--"

Nico had suddenly gotten up from his seat and was already out the door. He wasn't dealing with his father a second longer than needed.


Nico was walking down the halls of the castle, trying to remember his way around the place. It was difficult, has it been two years since he set foot inside his old home. He knew how to get a few places: his father's office, both his sisters rooms, the library, and the kitchens. It embarrassed him that he didn't remember where his own room was. He wished he could somehow ask without humiliating himself.

"Nico," someone shouted from behind him. He turned around to see his wish come true. Hazel was running up to him. "Let's play in your room."

Hazel grabbed his hand, leading him to his room. He made sure he was paying attention to where they were going. After a few turns, they were standing in front of his door. Nico hesitantly opened the door, revealing his old room.

The bed was neatly made just like the day he left it. On the far side of the room, was television and a small couch. Next to the couch was a table with a deck of Mythomagic card. Nico couldn't even remember the last time he played the game; thinking back on it, he hadn't played since he left this very room.

"Princess," Hazel's nanny called out, "oh, princess, where are you?" She sounded desperate.

Hazel ran behind the couch. Nico knelt down to his sister, asking, "Does Miss Diaz know you're here?" The little girl shook her head no, but then yes. Nico sighed, scooping her up and carrying her out to the nanny.

"But I want to play with you," Hazel whined. "I miss you."

Nico frowned. It's not he didn't want to play with his sister; it's just that he needed to re-adjust.

"I'll play with you later. I promise."

Nico handed Hazel back to Miss Diaz, heading back to his room. When he got went back, he remembered the books he had hidden under his bed.

Back when Nico lived in the castle, his father wanted him to focus on his studies. Nico hated studying or anything along those lines, so he'd read fantasy book. When he was caught, his father started locking up the fiction section of the library, but Nico had managed to snuggle a few out and hide them.

All the books Nico had taken were still where he left them. A few still had dust on them, but others were well kept. He wondered if someone had been in his room while he was gone, but decided that wasn't important anymore.

The young prince wandered around his room, slowly remembering his way around. All the clothes in his closet no longer fit him, meaning he'd have to go out and buy new clothes for his short stay. He'd also have to fit for a suit.

Nico took a deep breath, flopping onto his king sized bed. That's another thing he hadn't always liked. He was only a boy, so why did he have such a big bed? It never made sense to him.

He stared at the ceiling, thinking and thinking till he fell asleep.


Here's chapter 5. Sorry it took so long. I meant to have it up by Saturday, but, as you can see, that didn't happen. 

Thank you for all the support on this story. Each part has over 100 reads on here, which I think is amazing since it's still pretty new. Your comments have been making my day as well. I also want to thank you all understanding the whole stress thing. Luckily, some of it has gone away so mini celebration!! 

On on other, I posted a short story that was written by my friend. I'm waiting for him to text me his user so you can all go bother him if you want more stories like that. It's called An Ode to Nico and looks like this:

 It's called An Ode to Nico and looks like this:

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Feel free to check that out of you want. Though, one quick warning: beware of the feels. He wrote this one night to tick me off, and I was okay up till the very last part.

Anyway, comment and vote if you'd like. I can't make you :)

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