Chapter 30

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Hades left the following morning, kissing both his daughters on the head. Nico stood slightly behind Bianca, acting as her guard like he was meant to. He and his father didn't say a word. Everyone noticed but didn't say anything.

Once Hades was out of sight, everyone returned to his or her activities, but before Nico could run off, Bianca stopped him. She had seen the hurt on her brother's face and wanted to make sure he was okay. But Nico had gotten used to the way his father treated him and preferred to be left alone during those times.

Now, three days later, not much else had changed. Nico and Will weren't speaking. Nico still held a grudge against Rachel. The only thing that was slightly different was his normal behavior. He was extremely quiet and hadn't really spoken to anyone. Sadly, only Bianca picked up on this.

But she couldn't do anything about that now because she and Will were meeting discussing her least favorite topic. Marriage.

"Now, I know it's still a few months away, but we do need to start planning the wedding," Naomi told the two. They both groaned. "I know, I know, but bear with us."

Apollo sat in his chair. "We know it's going to be... well, strange, but you two are getting along nicely which is always a good start. As for the couple part, you guys are playing it very well by being shy and awkward but that won't work forever. You need to act more natural, more like you're in love."

"But we're not," Bianca whined. "Nor do we want to be."

Naomi sighed. "I know it's hard, but you'll learn to at least act the part. Our idea was to put you couples counseling."

Both Will and Bianca opened their mouth to object, but Apollo spoke before they could.

"It would be a good way to learn what an actual relationship is like. Romance movies can't teach you that no matter how much you want them to."

"So when do we start going to that?" Bianca asked, accepting her dreadful fate.

"Two weeks. Till then, I suggest you look through these."

Apollo threw a few magazines across the desk. Bianca and Will picked some up and flipped through a few pages. They all had the same thing inside. Engagement rings and wedding bands.

"I already have my wedding ring," Bianca told them, setting the catalog back on the desk. "It's the ring my father gave to my mother. She left it for me in her will."

Apollo nodded. "Alright. Those parts settled then. On to the next topic."


After the meeting, Bianca went to check up on her brother. She knew he'd been in his room, most likely doing nothing. Or at least nothing important, anyway.

When she reached the door, she was about to know when she heard him talking to someone on the other side. It was muffled through the wood and hard to make out, but she could tell he was on the phone with someone. Despite her want to eavesdrop, she knocked on the door. It opened seconds later, revealing a tired and stressed Nico.

His clothes were rumpled and his hair was all over the place. A frown was placed on his lips and his eyes were slightly puffy like he'd been crying a few hours ago.

Bianca quickly let herself into the room, shutting the door shut behind her.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he sniffled. "Just thinking."

"What kind of thinking?"

He bit his lip like he was debating to tell her or not. In the end, he waved it off. "I'll tell you once I've made up my mind."

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