Chapter 41

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The next day was hell for the boys. They knew each other's schedules like the back of their hand, luckily, so it should have been easy to avoid each other, but they somehow always bumped into each other.

The next morning, Nico thought it would be a good idea to wake up before everyone and have breakfast by himself. Will had the same idea.

They locked eyes in the kitchens. Nico quickly grabbed a plate of food, ducking his head to hide his face. Will just so happened to see something on the floor and focused on the tiles beneath his seat.

The next encounter they had was later that afternoon. Nico was heading to Rachel's study to help her with something and Will was on his way back from his dad's office. Upon spotting each other, they gaze was locked onto their shoes and the sped past each other. No words passed between them as they did.

A few hours passed by. Nico had skipped dinner to avoid the tension. Will did the same. At the table were the girls and Apollo, silently eating their meal. Or, it was silent till the parents start to bring up something they had noticed that day.

"Bianca," Naomi said, earning the young woman's attention. "Seem like you had Will have made up."

"We have," she answered, believe that was the end of that. She was mistaken though.

"How'd that go, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Well. We talked it over yesterday."

Naomi and Apollo shared a glance. Rachel caught that look and averted eyes. She knew that if she had been caught, she too would have been interrogated.

"Did something happen with the boys?" Apollo bluntly asked.

Bianca's head shot up and she blinked. Unexpected, she thought, cursing herself for responding like that. Now it was obvious that something had happened.

"Do you know what it was?" Apollo pressed.

"I-I-I- Not my place to tell!"

She didn't hesitate before she jumped out of her seat and took off. Everyone watched her, then, at the same time, the king and queen snapped their heads in Rachel's direction. The redhead ducked her head down and continued to eat.

Hazel, who had been sitting there silently the whole time, looked down deep in thought. "What's wrong with everyone today?"

Naomi smiled kindly at her, reaching over and brushing hair out of her face.

"Do you know why the boys are acting weird, dear?"

"The boys are always weird," Hazel grinned. "They're boys."


Will's 17th birthday finally came. Most people would wake up happy as could be but not Will. He was still upset over Nico's reaction.

The whole day dragged on and on. People were around him all day, fixing his hair and making his suit stayed in perfect condition while preparing for the day's events. Sadly, the banquet didn't start till six and he was forced to stay in his dressy outfit from four till whenever everything ended.

By the time the banquet had started, Will was starving. And even worse was that dinner wouldn't be served for another hour so he had to sneak snacks from the snack table. Sadly, they weren't very filling.

Twenty minutes into the party, the blonde found Bianca. Not too far away from her was Rachel and Hazel. He approached his fiance (a word that still didn't taste right on his tongue) and stood beside her.

"You look nice tonight," Will complimented.

"As do you," she greeted. "Though I'd rather not be here."

Two Odd Princes ~ A Solangelo AU ~Where stories live. Discover now