Chapter 1-Soul Sisters.

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The chapters are based on third person's pov.

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She looked down on the weighing scale. She shouldn't have eaten that box of chocolates.

"No...not again." Ambar groaned, palming her face.

"What is it, Amy?" Her cousin Amrita stormed in their room hearing some weird noises.

"Dida see this, I gained more weight." She whined like a baby.

Amrita looked at her cousin and smiled inwardly with adoration. She simply loved the girl. Even her whining.

"It's okay, Ambar.... beside you look cute more like this." Ambar lifted her head disbelieving what she had just said.

Amrita and Ambar were more than paternal cousins, They were soul sisters.

Amrita being beautiful, kindhearted and most importantly a doctor by profession made Ambar idolise her a lot as she was perfect in each and every aspect unlike her who was totally a misfit.

On the other hand Amrita loved her cousin to bits.
Unlike her parents she never considered Ambar as a liability. She was thankful to God for having Ambar in her life. She was the only one who had pampered Ambar so much that the girl never grew up and acted still like a kid.

"Dida (Sister) Are you serious?See this, hundred and fifty four pounds." Ambar muttered, shaking her head.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Vashisht entered their room with his hands in his pocket.
He was Ambar's best friend since school, obviously beside Amrita.

"Why are you beaming so much today?" Ambar questioned him as he continued to display his dazzling smile to them.

"Scatty fatso, don't you remember?" His words made Ambar frown at him and she turned a bit more sad than before.

"Vashisht!" Amrita warned him as she understood that his comment had fazed Ambar a lot.

"Okay.. I am sorry!" He apologised quickly while Ambar nodded her head smiling weakly.

"What were you saying?" She asked him to continue.

"Amy, look at this." He handed her an envelope.

"What's this?" Confusion was etched on her face.

"First read it." He said with a smile.

She compiled and started reading. Her eyes grew wider as she continued reading further.

"Oh my god!... New York!" He laughed at her statement while Amrita was still confused and curious at the same time.

"What about New York?" She quickly asked Ambar.

"Dida, We both had applied for our post graduation to one of the best colleges in New York and look at this, our applications got accepted." Vashisht replied instead.

"That's great. Calls for a celebration then, more like a farewell party for both of you." Amrita smiled.

"Not so soon, Dida. We still have a lot of time to go and other procedures are too lined up." Vashisht replied while Ambar was still paralysed in shock.

"Amy....? You don't look happy. Don't you want to go?". Amrita asked as she noticed her cousin's blank face.

"Dida... Actually I didn't expect this as I had applied for scholarship also and now what will I tell Uncle and Auntie?
The real problem is about my expenses. How will I be able to pay such a big amount?" She palmed her face in frustration.

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