Chapter 62-Consent.

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"Where did you go? What did you do? Tell me... Please.. Tell me... I'm very curious." Olivia insisted for the sixth time.

Ambar sighed witnessing her desperation.
Thankfully Vashisht was fast asleep in his room.

The poor soul didn't even get to drink a glass of water since the time she entered the apartment because Olivia persistently bothered her to get all the details.

"Tell me or else... or else-"

"Okay... Okay... No need to threaten me. I'll tell you." Ambar immediately shut her and she sat up straight.

"Great, go on."

"Okay... We went to a fair."

"A fair?" Olivia's eyebrows got raised up immediately.

"Yes." Ambar replied smiling shyly.

"A fair?"

"Yes... Yes.. a fair. He took me to a fair, Olivia." She confirmed it twice.

"Are you kidding me? Who goes to a fair on their first date?" She sounded baffled, "With all that crowd, noises and what not?" She scrunched her nose but still Ambar didn't lose her smile.

"It wasn't perfect but it was beyond that." She mumbled, grinning.

"Oh! So something happened, isn't it?" Olivia teased her.

"Did you guys kissed?" She immediately asked her.

"Nope." Ambar shook her head.

"Then?" She queried.

"We rode on a bike then we played a lot of games there and he even ordered a pizza for me." Ambar narrated.

"What! That's it?" Olivia couldn't be more exasperated.

"Oh yes and he also sang a song..." She quickly added.

"Oh Amy! Sorry to say but your date was highly unromantic..." Olivia muttered.

"For me it wasn't." She smiled to herself remembering his song.

"What?" Olivia asked puzzled.

"Nothing... I'm sleepy and I also have an early class tomorrow." She told her.

"Okay Amy. Next time, I would suggest you some place. Now you need to rest. Good night sweetie. Sleep tight." Olivia wished Ambar before joining her boyfriend who was fast asleep in his bedroom.

"Good night."


The silence was evident on the breakfast table.
Even Aakash was able to notice it.

They weren't even sparing a glance to each other's face.

Finally Aakash decided to ask them.

"Why are you both so quiet?" The little kid peered at their respective face.

"Huh?" Amrita looked up from her plate to meet his befogged face.

"What happened Amrita Maa?" He questioned her.

She smiled at how cutely he asked.

"Nothing Aakash. Aren't you getting late for your school?" She changed the subject and helped him to finish his meals.

"Good boy." She pulled his cheeks and he whined.

"Okay! I'm going to get ready now." Aakash stood up instantly.

"Wait. Let me help you." Amrita was about to follow him but he stopped her by showing his small palm, "No. I'm a big boy, I'll get ready on my own." He spoke and rushed to his room.

The Misfit Fallen. ✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang