2.No, what?

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You know when people die all of a sudden  everyone cares? People I have never seen before are crying like my mother was something dear to them. I was unable to shed a single tear. You may think that's wrong, but can you blame me? That woman put me through hell she was not a mother figure at all.

4 Hours Later~
"Dakota are you okay to be working?" Nonna's voice full of concern.

"Yes, Nonna. People die, people live, life goes on. I'm fine." I gave her a weak smile and she nodded her head and continued cleaning the counter. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me that made caused me to shudder. I turned around to see Dylan there.

"You know normal people usually say hello and don't hide behind people, plus I thought  your lawyer was coming not you?" I said beginning to walk away from him.

"He's doing some arrangements to the contract he'll be here tomorrow, and I'm not normal."

"Yeah, I figured."

"Anyways I came here to discuss the finalization of our agreement."

"Perfect, I have one request."

"I want to be your CEO partner." I seriously said. Dylan burst out laughing. He has a deep, but very attractive laugh. Wait what? Did I just say attractive I meant very ugly laugh.

"You're serious?"

"Yes, does it look like I'm kidding." My lips were now pressed in a straight line.

"That's not happening."

"Fine, then this marriage is not happening either you won't be a CEO then neither will I. "

"What are you going to do as CEO of a multimillionaire company?"

"I want to create a chain of restaurants. Five star restaurants that will impress everyone."

"If you have forgotten you work at a diner, you transitioning to a chain of fancy restaurants is not happening from one day to another."

"Money can buy anything right? You've taught me that."

"It can't make a waitress like you uneducated, uncivilized , and poor the head CEO of a chain of restaurants."

"Fine, I'm so uncivilized that I want your ass out this diner now." I said.

"You can ask me for anything else, except that."

"Well you can ask me for anything else, except marriage." I replied.

"How about, if I provide you simply with money no CEO title." He tried negotiating.

"How about no. I don't want you to simply give me the money I want to work for it and why not with the thing I love the most, food!"

"What will people think if I have my wife as the other CEO of my multi-billionaire company?" He incredulously asked.

"That you have a very smart and hard-working wife."

"I don't know about the smart." He snorted.

"You know what, I'm tired of your stupid offenses. You need me more than I need you." I spatted.

"You don't have to rub it in my face."

"No I believe I do just to refresh your memory every time you offend me."

"Living with you is going to be so hard." He muttered.

"The feeling is mutual, so is it a deal or no deal?" I asked.

"Do I have another option?"

"Yeah, you say no and there's no marriage and bye bye CEO title for you." I said.

"Fine, but there would be conditions."

"Fine." I sweetly smiled.

"Now that we have settled this dispute we have many things to do. One, I need you to buy clothes those rags are not presentable for my fiancé, two, you need  a makeover your hair is all over the place looks like you don't own a brush is. Three, we are having dinner with my father tomorrow and the rest of my family to announce our engagement."

"I forgot to mention this, but I will be asked for my hand. You came in her giving orders, and I do not appreciate that. I want something thoughtful. If not tomorrow when you announce our marriage, I will waltz out. In the future, when people ask me how you proposed I think you will not be content when I tell them you came to my job and shoved a contract in me face and practically forced me to marry you." I said with sass.

His eyes widened I guess I took him by surprise, good. I am nobody's puppet, I will also have things my way.

"No." He stated after a while.

"No what?"

"No I will not be content if you tell people that story. You will have your proposal before tomorrow night, happy?"


"No what?"

"No, I'm not happy I'm ecstatic." I sarcastically said.

He rolled his eyes and trotted out of the store. After he was out of my sight Nonna showed up with a grin on her face.

"This is going to be one heck of a marriage." She said.

"You're telling me, you know I don't take orders well so he's going to have a tough time if he thinks he can order me around. I'm not his puppet."

Nonna walked away a tiny figure walked into the store. Well she was not tiny, but she was shorter than me and I'm pretty short. She looked clueless and scared.

I walked up to her and asked," Can I offer you something Miss?"

"I'm looking for Dakota, I'm her new assistant I come from Mr.Maxwell I'm her new assistant." She sweetly said.

"My fiancé forgot to mention this, that moron." I said with a fake smile on my face. The tiny woman laughed and she realized she laughed and panicked.

"Please don't tell him I laughed at that." She begged.

"Don't worry about it, I'm Dakota and you are?"

"I'm Sky." She said.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to you meet you too Ms. Dakota." She said.

"Please call me Dakota or Kota either is fine." She sighed and smiled.

"Mr.Maxwell asked me to tell you that you have an appointment with a hairstylist in 2 hours and that you have an appointment with a boutique in precisely ten minutes so we have to go." She said.

"Nonna!" I yelled from across the diner.

"Yes dear?"

"Quit with me?" She looked stunned at my question, but she replied with a simple smile. She took off her name tag and threw it at our manager who was standing a few feet away from her. I snorted watching this and threw my tag too.

Nonna, Sky, and I walked out the store, and headed out to create a new me.

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