33. Stinky Diapers

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After I was discharged from the hospital Dylan gave me the week I asked for. In the course of a week I managed to pack, quit my current job, and raise my twins. It has only been a week since I've had them, but it feels like years. The amount of exhaustion I'm experiencing is not normal.

It's not like I've been doing it all by myself. Carter has been of great help, and so has Dylan. Dylan stayed in the house helping us pack and helping with the twins.

Thankfully he has not brought up anything about our relationship. He hasn't asked where we stand, and what is the next step. He's being considerate because even a blind person can see I'm sleep deprived, and exhausted.

"Okay I think we're all packed." I announced as I looked at the amount of boxes that where laying in the living room.

"Are you sure?" Carter walked in carrying a very asleep Elizabeth.

"I think so, but if not whatever I'm too tired to even see if we have everything."

"We can always ask the cleaning crew to send the stuff over." Dylan walked in carrying a wide awake Sebastian.

I think that's what made having twins so difficult their sleeping schedule was never the same. Either Elizabeth was asleep and Seb awake and vice versa. So in the course of a week I've had barely any sleep.

"Babe, are you okay?" Dylan asked.


He hasn't called me that in almost a year. It felt nice.

"Yeah it's---" My voice cracked I couldn't even finish the sentence.

"What's wrong Kota?" Carter looked at me worriedly.

"I---" I was physically drained and emotionally tried. Plus, my hormones are all over the place.

"Babe, you're scaring me." Dylan was worried.

"I don't know what I'm doing. I don't know if I'm going to be a good mother. What if I turn out to be like my mother? Or even worse my father? These kids deserve better." I blurted out as tears made their way down my cheeks.

Stupid hormones.


"I'm a horrible mother. Dylan, I think you should take them and let your family raise them. No Hayley of course."


For some stupid reason I couldn't stop crying. The tears just kept coming like there was no tomorrow.

"Baby, look at me." Dylan softly said. I did as he told me.

"You're a wonderful mother. No one gave you instructions on how to raise our kids. You're doing great, you're nothing like your mother or father. These kids got lucky with you they won the lottery. Babe, you're just saying this cause you're tired. Once you get sleep you'll feel better. You trust me right?"

I nodded.

"Well trust me when I tell you that you're a phenomenal mom. Sebastian and Elizabeth are going to love you for being the best mom in the world."

"He's right, Dakota. You're great. You're not like our mother who just left us. Shit I wish you were my mother." Carter said.

"No cussing in front of the babies." I scowled.

"You see you're doing great already." Carter said.

Dylan and I laughed while I wiped my tears away.

"Feeling better?" Dylan asked.

"Can I carry our baby?" I asked Dylan.

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