36. Kids Around

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After we made up Dylan took the kids and I home and promised to come back the next day.

He did fulfill his promise because the next day he was back early, and not alone.

Along with him came a very moody Brandon, you know where the kid got his attitude from.

"Did you change his diaper? Feed him?" I asked as an uncontrollable Brandon kept crying.

"Yes! I'm not that clueless." He yelled.

Like father like son.

"Carter come help!" I yelled at him as he was just sitting in the couch going through television channels.

"Nope, I did not procreate any of those children. If there's someone to blame it's Dylan, he couldn't keep it in his pants."

"When will you ever grow up?" Dylan said to Carter.

"Whenever I feel like it, but not today. So quit wasting time being an ass to me and take care of your one, wait no, two, wait no, three kids!"

"You're not going to be the godfather of any of my kids."

"It's okay I'll still be the uncle. You're doing me a favor because like I love the kids and all and if you guys, may god forbid die, I'll have to be like a father figure and I'm too young and handsome to be a father."

"Stop with the nonsense, Carter." I said.

"You guys are so rude, let me watch my show and go take care of your kids." Carter said as he went back to flipping through the channels.

"So you know why I got here so early?" Dylan asked me as I was swaying Brandon side to side trying to make him fall asleep.

"Because you couldn't get Brandon to stop being so cranky?" I asked.

"No silly because we have our first official date."

"Oh really?"

A part of me was excited, but a part of me was scared because it was going to be the first time I'll leave my kids.

"The kids are coming with us."

"It's like you read my mind."

"I just know you that great, babe." He said kissing my forehead.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

"Can I come?" Carter yelled from the couch.

"No, keep watching television you lazyass." I said.

"Fine, I will. Don't come back too early from your date because you miss me so much."

"Go get ready, wear something comfortable and warm."

"How about the kids?"

"Warm clothes." He answered.

I handed Brandon off to Dylan and proceeded to go change into some comfortable clothes.

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