42. Want

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*Dylan's POV*

Dakota did not come out of the room for the rest of the day. She went with the kids and spend time with them but then quickly made it back to the room and locked it.

She was not willing to speak to anyone. My father tried speaking to her after he recuperated from receiving such shocking news but Dakota was not willing to speak to him.

I had to sit him down, and break down what happened after the plane. After I gave him time to digest everything he came to defend Dakota. I didn't want to hear it so I left his study.

Libby was uncontrollably crying. She wasn't willing to let me go, but when she did she slapped me. It took me by surprise as she's not the violent kind, but she was upset for my unwillingness to return sooner.

After his argument with Dakota, Carter rushed out of the house. I tried chasing behind him, but by the time I made it outside he had sped off in his car.

"You know she's not coming out?" A voice said and much to my dismay that voice belonged to Alec.

"I don't care I'm waiting for her to come out. We need to speak, and you need to leave. This is still my house and you aren't a guest."

"I will leave, but before leaving I have to tell you something."


"I truly do love her. My intention wasn't to swoop in and take advantage of the situation. Dylan, you know I've loved Dakota since I met her in Spain. This isn't infatuation it's love. Also, I never told your kids I was their father. I love them dearly, but I will never overstep with them because I am more than aware that those are your kids. I was trying to be a support system for Dakota and while being there for her I inevitably began loving your children. I wasn't trying to impose. I just wanted to love Dakota and your children I wanted them to see me as possibly their second father figure because no matter what happens you'll be their only father and I wasn't trying to take that away from you. If you believe that was the case then I deeply apologize. That's all I had to say,

Alec walked away leaving me stunned. He seemed sincere with what he said.

"He's a good guy, Dylan. If you had truly died he would've done a great job with your kids. His intentions have always been clear and he's never tried to take advantage of anything." Libby said as she came out of her room.

"Libby please don't get involved."

"I'm sorry my beloved brother, but I must get involved. While you were gone I took care of your children and I witnessed how Alec took care of them. The kids truly love him. He didn't once say the word dad to them he's a good one. I also get involved because I love Dakota. She became my sister I saw how she grieved for you and tried to stay strong for the kids. I could hear her every night for the first few months crying herself to bed. She did suffer for you don't doubt that. She loves you. What was she suppose to do Dylan if you were actually dead? Was she suppose to stay a widow for the rest of her life? Focus on the kids? What about when the kids were old? Was she meant to be alone? You're being a selfish asshole. She deserved a shot of love after you. What would you have done? You probably would've remade your life. It's not fair for you to expect so much from her. She's been your damn rock when you were here. She was your anchor and I'm sure you were hers. She didn't have a manual how to continue without you. She tried her best to move on and you just didn't like it. Man up and admit you fucked up too. You could've been back sooner, but because you're a spiteful butt wipe you stayed longer and allowed for Dakota to pursue her marriage with Alec. Both of you are messed up and that's why you guys belong together, but keep acting this way and your ass is going to remain alone."

"You've never spoken to me like that."

"I know, but you need a wake up call. I'm tired of this circus. I'm tired of your love story with Dakota. You guys make everything so much more darn complicated than it has to be. You guys are in love both of you have messed up, but you guys need to mend it. Not only are you guys suffering, but so are the kids. If you can't move on then leave her alone, and let her move on with someone else. Your kids will be there, but not her. It's time you either move on for good or let her be. Just know that you're probably going to regret it because Dakota is resilient, assertive, and kind aside from the fact she is beautiful I doubt your sorry ass will find that in anyone else. So my beloved brother play your cards right or mess up your entire life."

Libby walked away leaving me completely shocked.

Maybe she was right? Maybe I just have to mend everything with Dakota?  Possibly start from scratch with her?

Our love story has been complicated from the beginning. I was standing there taking in everything that was said to me when Dakota walked out of the room. She was still in her wedding dress, and her eyes were extremely red and puffy.

"I have made a decision that I will like to talk to you about."

"Okay, what is it?"

"You can stay with the kids here. This is your home after all. I'll be out of your way and you can spend as much time as you want with the kids. Don't worry Alec won't be living here as I am not going forward with the marriage. It wouldn't count anyways since you're alive so technically we are still married, but don't worry  it will just be to the public eye until we can complete the time of the contract and move on with our lives."

"I appreciate you making ALL the decisions again, Dakota."

"Not again, Dylan. I'm drained. I can't do this anymore. The constant arguing between us. I just want peace I'm not arguing with you at all. I've agreed to you being with the kids I'm not taking that away from you. Alec won't be near the kids since you're not happy about that so you got everything you want. I can't give you anymore." She whispered and for the first time since I've known her she looked defeated. That fire she had in her eyes was completely gone which knocked the air out of me.

"For once can you ask me what I want?" I whispered.

"To break me? Well you've gotten that once again, Mr.Maxwell." She whispered and began walking past me but I grabbed her arm inhaling her scent and having her close to my body. I missed that sensation.

"Dakota Reed, I don't want to break you. I want you to let me love you. I want to grow old with you. I want to argue over stupid little things. I want to go to bed with you and wake up with you by my side. I want to have you close to me like right now. I want to be able to inhale your scent. I want to have you by my side. I want you. I want happiness. I want peace. I want our kids with us, together. I want to love you. I want us. That's what I want, but you know what? I can't keep fighting for the both of us. If you're not willing to do this and commit to it completely then let me know so once and for all we break this apart. I will be civil about it if that's what you want. I'll understand and respect your decision because regardless if we are lovers or not we are attached together for the rest of our lives we have children so no matter what we are meant to be see each other and interact. I know I just dropped all of this one you so I'm giving you some time to think about it. I'll wait for your answer where I proposed because now I'm proposing a fresh new start. A start for us and our love story. So think about it please. Goodnight." I turned around and walked away and for the first time in a very long time I felt relieved. I said what I had to say.

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