44. Good Father

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Dylan and I stayed at the top of the Empire State building for hours. He told me with precise detail what happened when he went after Hailey. He stopped a few times when telling me because I started crying. He would hold me a little tighter and assure me that he would always be there.

"I can't believe you went through all of that by yourself." I sniffled.

"I wasn't entirely by myself I had some help."

"I probably would have died probably in a die." I chuckled.

"I'm not disagreeing there. I love you, babe but I've seen you under pressure and you do seem to struggle a bit."

I nudged my arm at his stomach which made him laugh.

"We should get going."

"Or we could look at the stars." He offered.

"Even when I was furious with you every time I looked at the stars all I could think of was you. How shiny and bright they were just like you."

"You turned very soft on me, Mr.Maxwell."

"I'm soft with you and our family and that's about it. When it comes down to business I will continue to be cold and ruthless because I have to maintain this empire for you and our kids. I don't ever want him to worry about money."

"You're a great father, babe."

"I'm going to try to be the best father I can possibly be I missed too much of their lives. I know it was just a few months, but it felt like an eternity. I want to take care of them and make sure nothing is ever missing."

"They just need you."

"They'll always have me."

"You know what I was thinking?"


"We should go on vacation."

"Sounds like a solid plan."

"Just you and I. I love the kids, but I need time with my husband."

"I couldn't agree anymore. I think I'm a virgin again." I laughed at his stupid comment.


"Before you ask no, Alec and I were not intimate." Dylan sighed and smiled.

"I would not have been upset."

"You don't have to lie."

"Okay yeah, I would have been dying inside."

"The only man who has touched me has been you."

"And I will be the only man to touch you."

"We'll see."

"Don't start, Dakota." He whispered and I couldn't help but crack a smile and chuckle.

"I'm just kidding."

"You better be." He held me for what seemed a second, but it was another hour.

My phone suddenly went off completely ruining the moment.

"Don't pick up," Dylan said.

"It could be the kids."

"Then pick up what are you waiting for?" I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone.

"Please don't panic," Libby said.

"What's wrong Libby?" I now began getting worried.

"Sebastian has been crying non-stop and when I touched his forehead he was burning up. I tried bringing it down. Alec tried helping me, but next thing I know Sebastian began seizing. We are at the hospi--" My phone fell out my hand and I couldn't speak.

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