9. Who has the Real Power?

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Instead of running back to the hotel room I ran off. I ran as fast as I could to an unknown location. My feet not stopping and the tears running down my face, I was hurt, but I think the main reason why I broke down like that was because deep down inside I knew everything he said was true. I was running through a foreign city, with two bags in my hand and no sense of direction, wonderful.

"JESUS DAKOTA WAIT!" I heard a voice behind me say. I turned around to see Alec running right behind me. I stopped and waited for Alec to catch up to me. I wiped my tears away and tried to calm my heartbeat down.

"Hey I j---" Alec took in my appearance and stayed quiet. I suddenly felt myself being embraced in a hug, it was a warm and welcoming hug. I dropped my bags and hugged him back.

"Hey, don't cry that ass doesn't deserve your tears."

"Everything he said was true." I whispered. Alec tore away the hug and put a little distance between us. He grabbed both of my shoulders and looked straight at me with those piercing blue eyes.

"He's a brute, don't listen to whatever crap came out his mouth. You're so much better than that. Now don't let that idiot make you cry, you've gone through worse remember that and you strived." He smiled which caused me to smile. His beautiful radiant smile.

"You see that's what I like to see, that beautiful smile." I couldn't help, but widen my smile.

"Thank you." I said.

"Don't worry about it, plus what kind of man would I be if I left a beautiful girl run alone in a foreign city like I don't want you kidnapped cause I don't know if I'll be able to afford a ransom." He joked.

"Ha-Ha you're so funny."

"The looks, the charm, and skills baby girl lets just run off." He said.

"Extremely tempting offer, Mr.Sloan." I chuckled.

"Call her baby girl one more time and I will show you the skills my fists possess." An unknown voice from behind said. I turned around to see Dylan there, glaring intensely at Alec.

"Go ahead you can show me, please do." Alec replied.

"Ok---" Dylan began walking towards Alec. His wrists were clenched like he was ready to fight. I reacted quickly and stood right in front of Alec like I was his shield.

"Stop this nonsense, the both of you." I threatened.

"Get out the way!" Dylan said through gritted teeth.

"Don't talk to her that way!" Alec stated.

"I can't talk to her however I want she's my fiancé---"

"Yeah but it wasn't her choice, she was obligated to join this circus you've created. Trust me, if she had the option she would be nowhere near you.Your ass is lucky that you met her first and made her sign that bloody contract because if not she wouldn't be with you, she would be with me."


"STOP IT!" I yelled which caused them to look at me and stay quiet.

"Alec, thank you for defending me but I can take it from here you've done more than enough. As for you, why are you even here? You've done enough! You're a brute, an idiot, and a freaking vicious creature. You're a bi-polar ass who one moment I can be getting along with great and the next thing I know I'm being called a college-drop out. Your father told me that I could be the one person to change you, but he was way off. I'm no magician to pull that kind of magic out my ass. You listen to me loud and clear, the wedding is still on because I signed a bloody contract, but once we go back to New York STAY AWAY FROM ME. Do whatever the hell you want, but I want a ten feet distance away from you. I've tried to be patient God knows that, I've tried to become your friend for god sakes. I've tolerated enough, I've tolerated your ugly outbursts, your drunk ass, and your last physical altercation against me, but enough is enough! IVE HAD IT!" I grabbed the bags I had dropped and stomped away leaving the two guys stunned with my outburst.

"Wait!" I heard Dylan yell, but I was too angry to stop.

"I'm so tired of this bullshit I should've just drowned in debt." I muttered to myself.

"Like this turd thinks he owns me like do I have a tattoo saying Property of Dylan Maxwell, then he's so mean like shit." I kept talking to myself.

"I hate him so much. I hate you mom. I may go to hell, but you were a terrible mother. Because of you I'm marrying that fool."

I kept walking lost in my thoughts when I suddenly was being honked at. I had crossed a street when I wasn't supposed to.

"Watch where you're going!" The stranger yelled. I was suddenly yanked from my arm and dragged off the road.

"Smile or---" Dylan said through gritted teeth. I was furious with him and he still had the audacity to tell me to smile.

"Or what?" I said.

"You better smile because due to your little outburst the paparazzi is taking pictures so your ass better smile, give them the best smile you got I am not going down for your stupid tantrum." He whispered furiously.


"I'm running out of patience here." He said. He let go of my arm and held my hand. I was furious with him, but that little gesture made me calm down and smile what's wrong with me?

"Now let's walk and smile and look like the perfect couple." Dylan instructed.

I nodded and walked with our hands holding. All of a sudden a reporter was standing right in front of us with a phone. Then two, three, and the number of reporters started increasing.

Who is this beautiful woman next to you, Mr.Maxwell?

Is it true she's you're fiancé?

Why are you here in Spain?

What's your name?

A microphone was shoved into my face and I was ready to knock it down, but Dylan poked my side as instructing me to not dare to.

"Woah woah guys, please relax guys you're scaring her." Dylan chuckled. The reporters decided to back off a little and began bombarding my with questions.

"Okay guys, I wanted to do a press conference in a few days, but you beat me to it. This lovely young woman, is my fiancé." 

What happened to you and Hayley?

There were rumors of her return.

Once the reporter said that I could feel Dylan tense up. He decided to drop that fake charming smile and push us through the reporters. We kept walking for about five minutes until the reporters stopped following us around.

"Aww did that hit a nerve." I told Dylan. Yes, I know I was being an ass, but he deserved it.

"Drop it!" He said as he squeezed he hand harder.

"Squeeze my hand a little tighter, I dare you." I threatened. Dylan gave me a sinister smile and squeezed harder.

"Keep testing me and the day of your wedding your ass won't have a bride instead you'll have a scandal." Dylan let go off my hand.

"You're really testing my patience little girl." He said.

"And you're testing mine." I replied.

"Don't forget who I am, in a snap of fingers I can destroy your life."

I clapped and he looked at me in confusion.

"Wow Mr.Maxwell is that a way to speak to you're fiancé. You go ahead and destroy me I don't got much going anyways, but remember this, you destroy me and I will drag your ass down with me because don't forget who has the real power here. Remember that if I leave your ass in the altar that means no CEO title for you, it all goes to that handsome brother of yours."

"We have a contract." He was furious.

"We may have a contract, but I still have the power to walk away and disappear."

"With what money?"

"Not with what, but with who." I smirked and walked away from him.

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