7. Alec Sloan

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After many hours of awkward silence we reached Spain, and it was extremely beautiful. We checked into a very luxurious hotel. Dylan during the flight did not mutter a word to me, but I could see his gaze on my bruised arms. Once we got to the hotel, Dylan gave Sky her key and dismissed her.

"Where's my key?" I asked as we walked towards the elevator.

"You are not getting a key, we are the sleeping in the same room. Do not worry, I'll create some sort of wall to not touch you." I was not up for a discussion of rooms so I nodded.

We reached the inside of the room, it was huge. We had a view of the whole city, and a beautiful living room with old relics yet, elegant.

I dragged my luggage to the room and threw myself in the bed. The flight took a few hours, but I was unable to sleep in the flight.

2 hours later ~

I woke up feeling extremely comfortable. My face was planted in a pillow it was a hard yet warm pillow. Wait pillows are soft? I opened my eyes to see my head in Dylan's chest. His arms were wrapped around my waist and my head was on his chest. I immediately reacted and shoved him off the bed.

I heard a loud THUD and a groan.

"Bloody hell, what's wrong with you?" He asked as he was getting up.

"You said you were gonna make a wall, you invaded my space."

"I was too tired to make a wall all I did was jump into bed, calm down I didn't do anything."

"I'm well aware of that idiot, I just don't like people in my bubble."

"Stop talking nonsense." He rolled into bed once again. I scooted over so I would not touch him.

"I can't sleep now." He grabbed a pillow and smashed it into his face.

"Me either, that fall woke me up." He said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"8pm." He stated.

I got up the bed and began unpacking my clothes.

"I'm going to go sight seeing."

"No you're not, it's risky plus you'll get lost."

"I have a phone and I can ask for directions." I said.

"You speak Spanish?"

"Yeah, but since you can't be more disinterested in my life why bother saying anything?" I walked out of the room and headed towards the door.

"WAIT!" He yelled. I stopped and he approached me.

"Take this credit card incase you want to buy anything."

"I'm fine, thank you."

"Take it or I will not let you go." I sighed and grabbed the card.

"You're not going to eat anything?" He asked.

"I'm not hungry, yet." That was true, I had eaten in the plane.

I walked out of the hotel and headed outside. The streets were all lit up;people were roaming the streets. Where should I go? Maybe I should go check out the church by myself.

I typed in the address to La Sagrada Familia on my phone and in a few minutes I was there, walking. I slowly walked into the church and admired its beauty. Even though La Sagrada Familia is known for not being a finished church, it was still breathtaking. Imagining myself in my white dress, in front of God with my loved one, Nonna, made me happy. I suddenly felt a wave of sadness take over just thinking about me marrying a guy I don't love. I sat down in a bench and looked up to the glass ceiling.

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