32. Trading

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Dylan's POV:

After I told Carter the news about Kota he sprinted towards her room and in the process pushed me causing me to almost fall on my ass.

Once I made it to Dakota's room Carter and I had a full on argument. Which resulted in Dakota scolding us and threatening to castrate us if we ever had another fallout.

Dakota made us hug it out, and apologize to each other which we both did, reluctantly.

As the doctor said Dakota was transferred into another room and the twins were brought in.

Dakota couldn't stop crying while I saw some tears form in Carter's eyes. He held onto Elizabeth and kept telling her how beautiful she was.

"I promise that I'm going to be the cool uncle. I'll protect you from any stupid boy, princess. Always remember boys have cooties." He said to her. Dakota and I chuckled.

"Let's trade." Carter said and gave Elizabeth to Dakota.

"Carter you're making it sound like we're trading Pokémon cards, remember these are my babies, my treasures." Kota said.

"As for you, I'll be the super fun Uncle. You can throw parties at my house when I'm not around. I'll teach you how to pull the ladies, and give you the sex talk if your parents don't give you the right information. As we can see they weren't so smart having sex because here you are." Carter said completely disregarding Kota's previous statement.

I looked over at Dakota whose face was completely flushed and I couldn't help but laugh at her expression.

"I'm going to kill you." She told Carter.

"Dakota Reed how dare you say that in front of my niece and nephew you should be ashamed." He gasped, but he was just being typical Carter, dramatic as ever.

"So what are you guys going to name them?"

"I was thinking about Sebastian and Elizabeth." I said.

"Sebastian? Elizabeth? I like it." Dakota said smiling.

"I have an even better name."

"No, Carter we will not name our boy Carter." Kota sighed while Carter rolled his eyes.

"So its official this is Elizabeth and Sebastian Maxwell."

"You don't have to give them your last name, Dylan."

"Stop with the nonsense these are my kids and they have every single right to be Maxwell's and technically we're still married. Our marriage isn't over till next month."

"And then you can marry me." Carter chirped. I glared at him while he laughed.

"In your dreams Car, the one way you'll marry Kota is if I'm dead."

"Well that's good to know, I'll hire my hit men right when I get home."

"You guys are too much." Kota said.

"I hope Seb or the princess get my sense of humor." Carter stated.

"God forbid." I muttered.

"Dylan, don't you have to get back home?"

"You mean don't WE have to go back home?"

"Nope, your other baby momma may I add also psychotic, is in the household. I will not let Kota or the kids go into such a hostile environment." Carter interjected.

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