24. My Idiot

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I felt my head throbbing like if it was ready to explode. One second the only thing I saw was darkness and the next thing I know I saw Alec and Dylan standing by my side.

Of course I recognized Dylan, but I was so overwhelmed by his presence that when I saw Alec I said his name.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Alec said as he held my hand.

"Like a whole train ran me over." I said.

A doctor walked in and let me say what a doctor, he was Dreamy.

"Hello, Mrs.Maxwell. I am Dr.Shepherd I'm glad to see you awake how are you feeling?"

"Dreamy." I said before I realized what I said.

"Dreamy?" Alec and Shepherd said at the same the time.

"I'm meant drowsy." I said.

"Well you look fine, but we need to keep you here  for observation. The nurse will give you medication for your headache because I'm pretty sure you have one. And I'll keep an eye on you." I nodded and Mr.Dreamy smiled and left.

"Do you really not recognize your husband?"

"Of course I do, it's just that I don't know for some reason I panicked." I admitted.

"He must feel terrible you need to tell him that you didn't lose your memory."

"I don't know, I just feel so much anger and frustration towards him. I was perfectly fine before he came into my life and my life because a mess once he came into the picture." 

"I'm not going to interfere into your marriage because you know my intentions here, but don't lie to him. As much of an ass as he was, he deserves the truth. He was by your bedside all these weeks, he only left to shower and eat and came back. Have you seen the bags underneath his eyes? That doctor who just walked in is the best neurosurgeon in the country and your husband flew him in along with this amazing heart surgeon. I'm pretty sure he would beat up anyone to make sure you're okay. He deserves a little honesty after what you put him through. He was terrified. The way he talked to you and took care of you, not everyone does that."

At that very moment I felt mad. Not at Dylan, but at myself. I shouldn't have lied to him I don't know what overcame me.

"Do you want me to call him?" Alec said breaking the silence.

"Yes, please." Alec got up from his seat and kissed my forehead.

"Call me if you need anything. Please keep me updated on how you're feeling."

"I will thank you for being here."

"I will always be here, anywhere and anytime." He smiled and left the room.

The door suddenly opened and there was Dylan standing. He looked scared and sad. He definitely had huge eye bags underneath his eyes. It looked like he lost weight and he hadn't slept in days.

"Can I come in?" I nodded and he sighed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm feeling good." I said.

"Listen, I know you forgot me, but I will make sure you remember me. If not we can think of this as a clean slate. We can start fresh no lies or insults. A relationship full of respect and communication. I--"

"Dylan, stop."

"B--- wait so you do remember my name?"

"I didn't forget your name I just panicked." His eyes screamed out the word hurt.

"Why?" He choked out.

"All this wave of memories hit me right when I woke up. All the lies and intrigues, all the bad moments I've experienced in the past months have one thing in common, you. You're involved in everything."

"I already apologized to you. I'm trying to be a better person I don't know what else you want from me."

"Can you just hold me?" I whispered. He didn't answer and next thing I know he's taking off his blazer and trying to make himself fit in my bed.

"I don't want to hurt you. Your freaking heart was apparently ripped in half and you had a brain bleed I'm scared of hurting you."

"You won't." I slowly scooted and Dylan was now holding me.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

"I just need to feel safe. I need someone to hold me."

"You got it." He sighed and we stayed in complete silence.

"I had never been so scared in my life. One moment I was running behind you and the next thing I know your body was in the air. You weren't breathing for a minute or so I had to do CPR. Your white dress became red, and I didn't know what to do. I felt so useless."

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"You died twice and I swear I lost my shit. I was terrified. I even prayed."

"You prayed?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes, I didn't know what else to do. I asked god for something."

"Oh yeah and what was that?"

"My happiness."

"Oh so not for me getting better?" I asked confused.

"You don't get it? You're my happiness." My stomach suddenly felt weird like if there was some sort of flutter.

"You're an idiot." I chuckled but regretted it because I'm pretty sure I had a broken rib because I felt some excruciating pain.

"Yeah, I'm your idiot." He said with a smiled plastered on his face.

"My idiot, I like the sound of it." I said.

"After we get out this hospital why don't we go on a vacation? A honeymoon redo?" Dylan asked.

"I have school. I just can't take more vacation."

"But if I talked to t---"

"No, I love school. I love cooking you know that."

"But just a week for us? We can go to the Bahamas? Or Paris? London? Dubai? You name it."

"How about New York?" I asked.

"We live here, silly."

"Exactly, let's just stay here. I already want to leave this hospital I feel useless."

"You need rest, the doctor was really specific."



"Dr.Shepherd I meant."

"Oh god you have a crush on him too. All the nurse are literally drooling over him."

"Aww are you jealous that you don't have all the attention for once?"


"Yeah you are."

"I don't care if the whole hospital has a crush on Shepherd, but I do care if my wife has a crush on him because she's only suppose to have eyes for me." Dylan kissed the side of my head gently.

And for once everything felt perfect even when I was in bed and in a hospital gown. I had Dylan, my idiot.

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