14. Muddy Puddle

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Here I was wet, sick, and kissing my husband. His lips were on mine he pushed me against the shower wall. Our tongues were fighting for control, his hands were on my waist and my hands where on his wet hair. I was slowly making my way to the bottom of his shirt when it suddenly hit me. Why am I kissing him. I immediately pushed him off which surprised him.


"Get out." I demanded.

"You kissed me t--"

"GET OUT!" I roared which surprised him even more. He immediately made his way to door and slammed it shut.

I sat my ass down in the shower letting the cold water hit me. What was I thinking? What has gotten into me? I kept shaking my head still in denial about what just happened. Suddenly, I got scared with a loud noise that came from the outside. It was thunder. I hated thunder. I not only hated thunder I hated myself. I hated my life. I hated my mother. I hated Dylan. What am I actually looking forward too? Money to pay off loans? Well they will be forgiven if I die right? All these thoughts suddenly made me realize something I had to get out of there. I got up from my shower not wearing a top, just shorts and bra and made my way to the room.

As I opened the door I saw Dylan's confused expression. I didn't say anything instead I took off running. I don't know where I was running to I just had to run. I heard Dylan call my name, but my legs would not give in. I made my way outside to where it was raining. It was pouring this weather explained how I exactly felt.

I ran and ran heading nowhere. I suddenly felt someone tugging my arm and I tripped and landed in a puddle of mud. I landed on my ass and Dylan landed right on top of me. I suddenly began crying. I tried pushing him off me, but he wouldn't give in.

"Dakota why did you do that? Do you want to catch a case of pneumonia? Do you want to die?" Dylan said.

"Yes!" I exclaimed.

"You don't mean that." I could see a hint of sadness somewhere in his eyes.

"Let me die." I sobbed.

"Dakota, don't say that." His sudden action took me back. He wiped my tears away.

"Why me?" I whispered.

"You're special dad knows, and I know." He whispered. Dylan removed himself from me. I took in his appearance he was all wet and dirty. I stayed in the floor, weeping like a baby. Dylan instead of leaving me behind he picked me up. He carried me back inside while I cried on his chest.

We both headed back to the room where he took us both to the restroom. He turned on the shower and sat down with me on his arms. The hot water was rinsing the dirt off. I continued to weep. I just felt extremely vulnerable and sad. I just for once wanted a normal peaceful life. I deserved better.

"Please stop crying." Dylan asked which caused me to cry even more. I had never heard that tone in his voice.

"Do you need me call Nonna or my father?" He asked. When he asked that I just dug my face in the crook of his neck.

"Just don't leave. Don't leave me like my father did." I whispered.

"I'm here." He said.

We sat there in silence. Not once did he try to push me off instead he held on to me. For once in my life I felt safe. I felt safe in his arms. I suddenly felt him moving he slowly removed himself. I heard the shower go off and his footsteps. I looked up to see him gone I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"Put some dry clothes on." He said handing me one of his shirts and sweats. I took the clothes and he walked out. I changed into some clean dry clothes. I looked at the mirror in the bathroom, and my eyes were bloodshot red.

"Hey are you done there?" Dylan asked. I opened the door and there he stood in dry clothes looking like nothing happened.

"Take this." He ordered handing me two pills and water. I did not even argue and took the medicine. I then headed to bed. I threw the blanket on top of me and tried to close my eyes. I shuffled a bit trying to find the perfect position. I could heard Dylan sigh, but I ignored it.

I suddenly felt an arm around my waist.

"Just this one night." He whispered. I turned around to face him. He looked tired.

"One night." I whispered as I placed my head on his chest.

"Your father left, why?" He asked.

"He didn't seem to care about me." I whispered back.

"Why are you so cold towards your father?" I found myself asking.

"I think it's his fault my mother left."

"Your father loved her very much." I said which caused him to chuckle.

"Oh Kota, my father was a workaholic he didn't care about his family."

"Don't be so harsh be glad you have a father who cares about you." I whispered. I suddenly felt my eyes closing very slowly.

"I guess you're right. Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm?" I said as I felt my eyes get heavier.

"Do you hate me?"

"At first I did, I thought you were an ass but then I saw how you with your nephew. Then when we walked through the streets of Spain you were sweet. You're nice and sweet at times it's hard to keep up I'm always thinking is he going to be an ass today or a sweetheart. You change you can go from being an ogre to a teddy bear. I just want to see the teddy bear side of you I don't ask for much. I know that I'm a lot to handle, but this year and half would be easier for each other if we were civil and nice." I muttered the last few words.

"It's a wall I created a long time ago." He said.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked.

"If we weren't in this situation would you have ever given me a second glance?"

"I would no one in their right mind wouldn't. I just hope you don't remember any of this tomorrow." I was about to reply when suddenly I fell asleep.

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