30. Unique Names

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"I will be there all the way. Do not worry about anything. I told Carter everything, he said he'll be waiting outside incase you need anything." Dylan said as he held my hand all the way inside the OR.

"Promise me that  the babies will be the priority here?" I whispered.

"You are both my priority."


"You're not making me decide. I love you and our children to decide such thing. We will cross that bridge when we have to." He said and I sighed.

We made our way inside the OR room there were six nurses and two different doctors. I suddenly felt terrified and my pain was getting worse. Dylan held on to my hand and did not let go for one second.

"We will proceed to give you medication to stop the pain, but just know that the pain will not be entirely gone." The doctor said.

"Got it."

"You will not push no matter what."


"And please for god sakes try to stay awake as painful and as uncomfortable as it is."

"Okay." I winced in pain. The pain had minimized but it was still there.

"Remember to breathe and squeeze my hand." Dylan said and I nodded.

"Okay we will start." The Doctor said as she picked up the scalpel.

I had never experienced so much discomfort in my life. I was ready to push those kids out of me.

"Where do you want to live?" Dylan suddenly asked. He was trying to distract me.

"I don't know I love it here, but I miss home. I miss y---"

"Breathe, baby."

"I miss Nonna and Landon too."

"We can live in New York and then over summer break we can bring the kids here."

"That sounds nice."

"What are we going to name them?"

"I---" I couldn't finish my sentence and began sobbing the pain was too much.

"Names, baby."

"I was thinking about Isla and Octavio."

"Those names are really ummm unique?" Dylan chuckled and just for that one second I forgot about the pain.

"Oh yeah smartass what names did you have in mind?" I asked and the nurses and doctors began to chuckle.

"Well I haven't thought about any y---"

"Okay in a few seconds I will be pulling out your baby boy." The Doctor said.

"O---" Before I could finish my sentence I heard a baby crying. My baby.

"Congratulations you're the father and mother of a beautiful baby boy, but we aren't done here Dakota the girl is coming."

"Dylan go make sure he's okay." I whispered and Dylan nodded.

"The girl is about to be here remember no pushing." The doctor reminded me.

"How are her vitals?"

"Her pressure is a little too high."

"I need to you to relax Dakota."

"Well would you relax if you were in this much discomfort?" I snapped at her.

Dylan ran back to my side and held my hand.

"He's beautiful and healthy." Suddenly I heard another baby crying.

"He's your baby girl."

"Your little princess." I whispered.

"Thank you, love." Dylan rushed to the baby's side.

"What's her BP?" The doctor asked.

"It's not good." I suddenly felt very woozy.

"Why is her BP dropping?"

"Get her husband out of here." The doctor instructed.

"No! What is going on?"

"The pressure of the C-section is causing her heart to fail!" The Doctor said.

"Dylan name our babies." I whispered. My eyes were beginning to fell heavy.

"No, we're both going to name them."

"Sir, you need to leave." The Doctor repeated.

Dylan's POV

I looked at her vitals and they were not stable.

"Mr.Maxwell you have to go."

"Doctor she's losing to much blood, she's hemorrhaging. Her sinus rhythm is abnormal."

"SIR YOU NEED TO LEAVE I WILL CALL SECURITY!" This time the doctor yelled. I stood there not budging until two male nurses physically removed me.

I saw nurses run in with a crash cart. I felt as time had stopped, yet everything was moving.

"Sir, would you like to be with your kids?"
A nurse said grabbing my arm. That broke my train of thought it took me a second to reply.

"Yes." I whispered and she directed me towards my twins.

I stood in front of the glass wall looking at my twins they where in an incubator right next to each other.

They were beautiful.

"Mr.Maxwell?" The Doctor said. I turned around.

"Your wife is stable as of now. She had a hemorrhage that is why her BP was not good. We were able to control the bleeding, but her heart right now is very weak. We are pushing medications to strengthen her heart. The next few hours are critical, everything is now on her. She has to be strong."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome if you need anything please don't hesitate to ask." She said and walked away.

I stayed with my twins for about an hour just looking at them and then I headed back to the waiting room.

There was Carter. He was finally sitting down and he looked beyond exhausted.

He saw me and immediately approached me.

"How is she? How is my niece and nephew?"

"The twins are perfect. They're beautiful. She's not good."

"What do you mean not good?"

"Her heart. She hemorrhaged. Her heart was too weak to handle so much pressure."

"Okay so now what? Who the hell are you flying in? Who is going to make this better?" Carter questioned.

"It's all on her. It's her time to fight."

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Carter yelled at me taking me by surprise.


"Carter enough! Her pregnancy could have not been fixed. Nothing could have prevented it. Yes, I messed up but who the hell are you to judge me."

"I'm the man who took your position. I took her to every doctor appointment, tried to cook for her, spoke to the twins like they were my children. I made sure she was okay. Something that should've been on you."


"No! I pray to god she pulls through or I'm taking you down."

"I'm your brother." I spat out. I was now beyond pissed.

"She's the one person in the world who saw me as me. She didn't reject me or my ways. She accepted my flaws something this entire family has never done. She's the person who I have learned to trust. She's my person. So you can be my brother, but she's my family." Carter said and walked away.

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