15. Flirty Comments

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"Im leaving."

"But daddy I love you."

"I love you too but I can't do this anymore your mother has pushed me away. I love you baby girl please don't ever doubt that."

"Daddy please don't leave."

"Hey Dakota." I suddenly felt my body moving.

"Dakota wake up!!" Somebody yelled in my ear and that definitely did wake me up. Dylan was standing right in front of me. He was all dressed up.

"You didn't have to yell." I mumbled.

"You were having a nightmare the screaming was hard to ignore." What was I dreaming about? I suddenly remembered I was dreaming about that so called father I have.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay, how are you feeling today?" I took a few seconds to reply because I honestly didn't know how I felt. I don't remember much from last night. I remembering laying down in bed and Dylan informing me that he was going to shower and that's it.

"Hello?" Dylan snapped me out of my train of thought.

"I feel better thanks for asking what happened last night? Why am I wearing your clothes?" I asked as I scanned my appearance.

"You had this really high fever, and I had one of the maids help you shower and gave her my clothes to change you into because I didn't want to go through your stuff." Dylan said. I looked at him and there was an emotion in his eyes I couldn't depict. It seemed like sadness, yet relief?

"Thank you." I simply said.

"Don't worry about it. Today I'll be out all day I'm going to the company. Your assistant will head over today and you guys will beginning searching for locations to begin your chain of restaurants."

"Can't that wait for another day? I'm feeling a bit jet lagged."

"You wanted to be a CEO didn't you? Well that comes with work."

"It's been a two days since our wedding you don't think people will be suspicious if they see both of us working? Won't they question why we aren't on our honeymoon?"

"I will address the press if they have any questions regarding our honeymoon. You don't answer any questions and go on with your day."

"Yes, boss. Anything else?"

"We have a charity ball tonight."

"Hope you can find a date." I said as I climbed down the bed.

"Dakota." Dylan stated.

"Yes dear?"

"It's too early for your games."

"Social events are not my thing."

"Well you're my wife so for the time being they're going to be your thing."

"Can't you like take your sister or something? Tell the press I have the flu or something."

"I will not go to a social event with my sister. My wife is perfectly fine so her ass will go with me period. End of discussion."

"No thi---"

"Goodbye, I have a meeting." Dylan walked out the room not giving me enough time to come up with a coherent sentence.

I grabbed a pair of clean undergarments and a towel and headed to the shower.

1 Hour Later~

"Mrs. Maxwell, your assistant is here." A maid approached me in the patio where I was eating breakfast.

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