8. A Princess Wedding?

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"So you finally decided to get home?" was the first thing I heard once I stepped a foot inside the room.

"Yes, father." I said.

"Where'd you go?" He asked.

"I went to go the church in which we are getting married, and then for a coffee run."

"I tracked the credit card and you didn't purchase anything." He stated. Stalker much?

"I met someone who was pleasant, unlike you, and he bought me coffee."

"HE?" He yelled.

"Stop yelling, and yes it was a he. He was a gentlemen and nice."

"You can't be going around with guys, I'm a known figure what if there was paparazzi? I have an image to maintain."

"Look, we just went for one cup of coffee. I did not do anything inappropriate with him we just talked that is all, don't worry I know my duty is to maintain your stupid image impeccable." I stormed off to my room and slammed the door.

Suddenly my phone began to buzz it was a text message from Alec.

On a scale from 1-10 how mad is it?

A 100 I would say, but I don't care. I replied.

Such a rebel

That's the only way to go

You're probably exhausted so I'll let you sleep, sweet dreams.

Goodnight, Alec.

That whole night I was unable to sleep, I was jittery and very smiley because of the coffee and Alec. There was something about Alec that made me smile.

The Next Day ~
"I swear to god if you keep rushing me you are not going to have a bride." I threatened. It was barely 9:00 in the morning and Dylan had dragged me away from my bed. He claimed we had to go look at the venue for the wedding reception. I was just so exhausted, the jet lag had kicked in.

"Good morning, Dakota." Sky said as we walked to the car. She handed me a cup of ice coffee.

"You're a life savior." I grabbed the coffee and put my sunglasses on. I felt like I had a terrible hangover, I looked like hell too.

As we got closer to the car I saw a man standing right next to the car. He looked oddly familiar. We kept walking and I recognized the guy, Landon.

"LANDON!" I yelled and waved like a crazy person which took Dylan and Sky by surprise.

"Hey Ms.Dakota, lovely seeing you here." He chuckled.

"What did I say about the Ms. part?"

"Sorry!" He said and opened the car door.

The car ride to the reception was not quiet due to the constant talking of Sky. She was giving me every small detail of the wedding.

"We're here." Dylan announced. I looked out the window and saw a freaking castle.

"What is this!?" I said.

"Our reception location."

"This is a castle."

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