19. Us

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I furiously made my way home. Landon had picked me up, and I guess he felt my mad vibe because he did not try to talk to me. I muttered a thank you, and made my way back to the house. Thankfully no one was there because I was not in the mood to talk to anyone.

I made my way to my room and collapsed in bed. Every argument with Dylan resulted in physical and emotional exhaustion. I laid in bed just staring at the white ceiling. I was going out of my mind for a quick second I thought about calling Nonna, but I did not want to bother her. I just had to get out this house.

I decided to order a lyft and not bother Landon. Plus, I did not want Landon to tell Dylan about my whereabouts. The lyft arrived and I made my way downstairs. Much to my misfortune, Landon was standing in the doorway.

"You know I'm your chauffeur right?" He asked with her arms crossed in his chest.

"Yes, I know but I need me time."

"You can get you time with me driving." He said.

"Landon, please just let me go. I need this." Landon stared at me, and finally sighed. I took that as a green light and headed outside.

"Dakota?" The lyft driver asked and I nodded.

"What's the destination?" He asked.

"Central Park." The lyft driver nodded and typed the destination into his GPS.

I made it to Central Park and sat at the first bench I saw. I just needed fresh air. I needed the sight of beautiful autumn leaves. I needed the sight of children and people.

I decided to get up, and go get some coffee. I needed caffeine. I needed something.

I headed to a coffee cart and asked for just black coffee. I paid the man and headed back to my bench. I continued to watch my surroundings. There were families, husbands in love with their wife's and kids. I wanted that. I desired that.

"You know I can track your phone right??" It was Dylan.

"You can't sit here." Was my reply when he sat on the bench.

"Plus, that's invasion of privacy. You can't track me down."

"I can, I am your husband."

I scoffed and said," Yeah on a piece of fucking paper."

"Why are you like this?"

"Like what?"

"So rude, and rustic."

"Well build a bridge and get over it."

"Exactly proving my point."

"I even got one better for you, leave." I said.

"Let's just walk through Central Park." He offered.

"I'm good you can always call your mistress."

"Look at me." His voice sounding desperate. I kept looking straight ahead drinking my coffee.

I suddenly saw him standing in front of me. He kneeled down so he wouldn't topple me.

"She called me. I have no power over her decisions. It's not like I'm asking for her to call me. That's her own decision."

"Maybe she wouldn't call if you didn't lead her on."

"Please tell me how I'm leading her on? I've asked her to leave me alone."

I sighed and ran one of my hands through my hair in desperation.

"You're still in love with her." I whispered. I felt my chest ache a little.

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