27. Who am I?

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I walked the streets of New York until my legs decided to give up. I sat in a bench watching people walk by with kids and dogs. My phone kept vibrating so I ended up turning it off. I had to clear my mind. I was stuck in a position who I wouldn't even wish my worst enemy to be in.

I had to decide whether I wanted my happily ever after with a husband who would never be able to see his kid or to have a broken heart, but allow the man I love be a part of his kids life.

"Whatever it is you'll survive." I looked right next to me to see a very familiar heart-warming smile.

"Your timing is always great." I said and smiled.

"I was just going on a walk when I saw you with that little adorable pug what's her name?"


"Just like the hope you are in my life."


"What's going on?"

"She's pregnant."



"Is it Dylan's?"


"What are you going to do?"

"I don't know I have decisions to make that I don't want to."

"How about you take time to yourself?"

"What do you mean?"

"Travel, explore the world see what it is made of."

I couldn't help but laugh.

"What's so funny?"

"You thinking I can travel, I don't even have a dollar on me right now I'm broke as a joke."

"I'll let you borrow the money."

"I don't think so."

"You can pay me back whenever you're like the next big Chef or something."

"I can't just leave everything behind."

"Yes, you can."

"I have a husband..."

"With a kid and a very satanic ex."

"I love him."

"And I---"

"Alec, don't."


"I just want you to find yourself and be happy, away from this toxic relationship."

"It's toxic, but it doesn't take away the fact that Dylan is the guy who has slowly won me over."

"I don't know what you want to hear from me." Alec sighed.

"I'm sorry to be a burden with my issues." I whispered. Alec scooted over and grabbed my hand and squeezed it for reassurance.

"Who is Dakota Reed without Dylan Maxwell? Who is she without the financial issues and the contract? If you can answer that then I will respect your decision to stay with him and move forward or go away and find yourself."

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