31. Elizabeth

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Dylan's POV

I was able to get the doctors consent to allow me to stay with Dakota. Due to her heart being so weak she was in quarantine. I had to wear a  gown and so much crap just to be allowed to sit next to her.

She laid in bed with all these crap connected  to her. Even with all those IV's connected to her she looked beautiful.

"Hey baby." I said. I held onto her hand squeezing it just like I was inside the OR.

"I need you to fight."

"I can't fight for you this is all you. You need to fight for you and for our babies. Our twins are beautiful. The boy is strong and healthy and so is the girl. I think the boy is going to be protective over his little sister. He's about to kick guys ass who get near her. She's beautiful just like you so she's about to have a line of suitors, but thank god her big brother and her handsome father will be there to scare them away."

I waited for her beautiful eyes to open, but they didn't.

"You know I was thinking about names for our babies. The girl looks like an Elizabeth. But the boy I'm having a hard time finding him a name. I don't want to give him anything common. He has to have a strong name. What do you think babe?"

No answer.

"You know I was thinking when we go home we can buy a house. Maybe something out of the city, but close enough to the city because of work. I want the kids to be able to ride a bike down the streets. I want them to experience the little things we can't experience in New York City. I was also thinking about getting Hope a companion. How is she by the way? She's probably happy. Who wouldn't be happy with you?"

"I was also thinking about sending the kids to a public school. I don't want them to turn out arrogant and pompous if they go to a private school. I want them to value hard work and not be given everything like the kids that go to private schools do. I want them to work like every summer when they start high school. They're going to earn their own money. You agree with me don't you?"

In the back of my mind I could see Dakota laughing. She would probably tell me that right now I'm acting all tough, but my little princess is going to have me wrapped around her finger and I'm going to spoil her rotten.

She wouldn't be wrong my daughter is beautiful she already has me wrapped around her little finger.

"Fine maybe not my princess, but the boys will. Brandon and our boy will be strong, independent, and hard-working boys. They won't be spoiled. I know you'll probably say no favoritism since I'm going to spoil my princess, but once you see her she's going to have you wrapped around her finger. She has those same beautiful eyes you do, and her eyelashes are ridiculously long just like yours like the resemblance between you two is insane."

"Please I'm begging you to fight. I need you here, the babies need you here. I've lost you for 9 months and I can't imagine spending another day without you. These past nine months have been hell. The house isn't the same. My life isn't the same. I thought my kid would shed some light in my life that he would fill the void in my heart you left after you left me broken hearted, but I was wrong. Don't get me wrong he's beautiful, he's my kid and I love him, but it's not the same love I have for you. After you left it's like you took half my heart. I couldn't function for the first few weeks. My father had to go back to the company to take over my job because I was incapable of doing that. Daniel kept asking for you and I didn't know what to tell him. Hell I wasn't even sure what to tell him when he kept asking if I was okay. The other day in my study I came across our contract. That was the first time I laughed since you left. It reminded me of the first day I met you. You were cleaning tables and when you saw me I saw you checking me out, but hey I was checking you out too so we were even. Anyways, the way you stood up to me I admired no one had ever done that. You brought me down from my cloud nine and made me see that you, a 5'3 girl, was not going to deal with my disrespect or arrogance. You won me over little by little. I admired your love and loyalty to your loved ones, I admired your unbelievable strength and resilience. I admired your stubbornness which drove me insane. Every little thing I began to admire turned into love. What I thought were your flaws actual came to be the things I saw as perfections."

"When you wake up we can plan our wedding. An actual princess wedding just for you with no internet vows and crap. I do know that those vows were from the Internet because I had searched mine up and I came across those you weren't very slick, babe. This time the vows will come from our heart. They will tell you how much I love you. How you came to make believe in love and made me cherish every second with you. This time I will propose to you somewhere special not just the Empire Stare Building and when I propose I will actually mean it. In our weeding we can have Ed Sheeran sing, and we can have our baby girl be the flower girl. You can have the wedding of your dreams whatever you decide I will agree with because what else could I ask for? I couldn't ask for a more perfect wedding if I'm already going to have the most perfect bride?"

"Hire Ed and I'm all yours." I heard someone say. I stared at Dakota and there she was smiling. A weak smile, but it was visible.

"Babe, oh my god you're okay. How are you feeling? Do you need water? Let me go get the doctor." I ran towards the door and yelled for a doctor. The doctor came running in.

"Dakota, I'm so glad to see you awake."

"How is she?" I asked.

"Give me a minute to check her." The doctor checked her monitors and her heartbeat.

"Looks like you fought just as you were told to do. You look fine. I will be asked for you to be moved to a regular room, but I will still have a very close eye on you."

"Can I please see my babies?" Dakota begged.

"When we transfer you to another room I will ask the nurse to bring them to you how does that sound?"

"Perfect." She whispered.

The doctor smiled and left the room.

"You need to stop." I exclaimed.


"You need to stop almost dying on me. You scared the crap out of me again. I don't know if I can handle another scare."

"I'm sorry." She said.

"I know you don't do it intentionally, but woman one day you're going to give me a bloody heart attack." Dakota cracked a smile.

"I'll try my best to never land on a hospital bed again."

"Yes let's avoid hospitals, babe."

"Where's Carter?" I tensed up just by hearing my brothers name.


"What happened between you two?"

"We had a fallout, but don't worry about it. Worry about yourself."

"Go get him." She ordered. She barely woke up and she's already bossy.

"Yes, I'm already bossy so get over it and move your ass." She said which caused me to chuckle. God I missed her.

"You're lucky I love you." I said.

"You're lucky I can't get up or I would kick yours and Carter's ass for being childish." She said.

I didn't bother arguing any further and decided to go look for Carter.

Hello my lovely readers, I'm thinking about entering this story into the Watty's what do you guys think? Yay or nay?

Also, I have a huge favor to ask. I would greatly appreciate if someone could do a nice story cover. I will love you forever! Thank you and stay beautiful 💓

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