20. Dive

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After that rough talk I had with Dylan, I headed home and grabbed some clothes and stormed off without giving anyone any sort of explanation. Dylan tried calling me, but after many ignored calls he gave up. I ended up at Nonna's house where she was pleased to have me. She didn't push me for any details she just comforted me. Over the course of the weeks, I went to culinary school and I was still working with Sky on the construction details of my restaurants. As of now I had three locations for my new restaurants I needed another three or four, but three was a good start.

Furthermore, Dylan sent flowers and presents for the first two weeks and after that he stopped. Alec, was still going to school with me. He made his side flirty comments, but I appreciated his presence. He made me feel safe and happy. He gave me peace. Today was going to mark two months since the last time I saw Dylan. Mr.Maxwell has not reached out to me which I found surprising I'm guessing he didn't want to get involved in such a messy matrimony.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Alec." I said as I waved goodbye.

"See you tomorrow, love!" He grinned. I got used to him calling me love that I didn't even bother telling him to not call me that.

As I was heading back home in my lyft I received a call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, is this Dakota Maxwell?"

"This is she." I said cringing at the last name.

"Hello Mrs.Maxwell, I am your husband's secretary. He asked me to remind you about tonight charity's ball at 8pm. Your assistant will take you a dress, shoes, and hairstylist. Have a lovely day." I didn't even have time to respond before she hanged up the phone. Remind? This twat didn't even tell me. I was furious.

My lyft driver dropped me off at Nonna's house. Nonna was out with Landon so I was glad she wasn't there to see my pissed off expression. Nonna and Landon were officially dating now which I found adorable. He was such a gentlemen to her. He was overprotective and caring. They were what I wanted. Nonna had quit her job at the diner, and was now relaxing and helping me with the construction of my restaurants. I had managed to get her a salary, Sky talked to Dylan and he agreed to it. I'm guessing he didn't want to piss me off more.

I was watching Grey's Anatomy on my laptop to take my mind off tonight's event. I had not told Alec that I was watching his show. In all honesty, I found some parts extremely boring but overall it was a good show. Especially the beautiful men in the show.

I was now in Season 2 the episode where McSteamy comes to Seattle Grace. Eric Dane was such a hot piece of ass like oh my goodness.

As I was day dreaming over McSteamy there was a knock on the door. I got up and there standing was Sky with a man.

"Come on Dakota! We need to get you ready for tonight."

"What time is it?"


"Already!!??" I asked in shock. Did I really watch two hours of Grey's?

"Let's go!" Sky ordered and walked into my house and started ordering the man around.

"Leo, is your makeup artist and hair stylist. You have to look really good tonight. This is one of the biggest charity events of the year. Do you need anything?"

"Food." I said.

"There will be food at the event." Sky said.

"I want regular human being food not rich people food. I want burger and fries is that too much to ask?" I asked.

"No definitely not I will bring it in a few but we need to get started." Sky said. She continued to give Leo instructions on how I was to look.

"Oh, and Leo?" I said.

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