41. Aftermath

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*Dylan's POV*

No one has any idea of what happened the day I went on that airplane. Carter has continuously asked me, but I have omitted some things that happened.

Once I got in the plane with Hayley we were heading to Bora Bora, but I was disgusted by the idea of starting a life with her. In an attempt to stop the plane we ended up crashing.

I was stranded for day with no one around to assist me. Hayley had died with the impact. I attempted to resuscitate her, but she was gone. At the moment I could not exactly remember who she was, but I knew I could not let her die.

I walked for what seemed an eternity until I ended up passing out from dehydration and my injuries. I woke up to an unknown face taking care of me.

A face that was close to what I believed an angel would look like.

She took care of me, and was by my side through the course of remembering things. For weeks I had no idea of who I was. I couldn't remember a single thing.

Through nightmares and dreams I recalled some things such as my brother, sister, and dad.

Then I suddenly had a nightmare remembering Dakota and my kids.

My kids.

The only reason as to why I came back.

I remembered my entire life. I remembered being married to Dakota. I remembered everything.

I was fuming with anger when I believed no one was looking for me. I was stranded with Ally in an island which she believed was home. She had gone there after her husband passed away. Yes, my beautiful guardian angel became like the mother I never had.

Ally is not my girlfriend, just my guardian angel who is 50 years old she's more like my mother figure.

She became my confidant and my person during the course of remembering everything and properly healing.

One day I was out fishing for dinner and I came back to Carter sitting and chatting with Ally.

He attacked me with a hug, and started crying on my shoulder like a child.

A wave of emotions overcame me holding Carter it was a mixture of relief, sadness, and anger.

Carter explained to me that they had looked for me, but there was no look by the way the plane crashed they came to the conclusion along with experts that there were no survivors.

After telling me that he continued to tell me about my grown children, and I couldn't help but asks about Dakota.

He was at first silent thinking about what to tell me, but then he just dropped it on me.

Dakota was getting married in two days to Alec.

I felt betrayed and hurt. All I could think of was that she forgot me that quickly?

When Carter asked me to return I said no, but then Ally along with Carter convinced me.

Ally said to go back for my children and if it worked out with Dakota it did if not then it wasn't meant to be. My children were to be my priority.

The day I landed back in New York, I tried to be incognito I did not need any media following me around. Carter and I decided to stop by at a regular hotel and shower real quick before doing my surprise appearance.

We got ready and heard to my house for the first time in months.

I made my way into the house until I made it to where the wedding was taking place.

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