29. Difficult Position

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This chapter is a little different I will have two POV's instead of one. ENJOY!

Living with Carter for the past few months has been nothing, but fun. He was right he did win me over. He was very sweet, he helped me land a job at a restaurant. I went from a sous chef to one of the head chefs due to my skills according to my boss. I have adjusted greatly to this new environment. It has been a total of eight months since seeing Dylan. Eight months in which I haven't forgotten about him. Eight months in which it was impossible to forget about him. How could I when my stomach was a constant reminder of our love.

Did I forget to mention?

I'm pregnant.

Within a month after getting here I was cooking dinner in the kitchen for Carter and I when suddenly I passed out. Carter rushed me to the ER and that's when I found out that Carter was going to be an uncle.

Carter wanted to call Dylan immediately to let him know, but I did not let him. It took my best arguments for him to agree to stay silent. He finally budged and has helped me throughout my pregnancy. He has made sure I've had everything and did not let me overwork. He threatened my boss that if he fired me because I was pregnant he will have his restaurant in a snap of fingers. Thank god my boss didn't hate me after that he was actually quite understanding about my pregnancy.

Carter little by little won my patience and my love. He's been loyal, and respectful. He's maintained his end of the bargain. Dylan has no idea where I am right now. One time he dropped by. I remember that day so clearly. I was walking to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I was about to open it, but the maid beat me to it and there he was. He looked awful. He had lost weight, he had not shaved, his clothes were all wrinkled up. That was not my Dylan.

I was so close to giving in and lunging at him and kissing him but all I could think of was his kid.

Carter managed to hide me in a kitchen closet until he was gone. Carter had told me that Hayley was now living with the Maxwell's at their home. Dylan and her were sleeping in separate rooms but she was trying her very best to win him back. She gave birth a month ago. Dylan was now a dad of a beautiful baby boy.

And he was about to be the father of a set of twins. According to my ultrasound there was a girl and boy arriving in about a week or so. Carter was going nuts with the arrival of his niece and nephew. He painted their room half blue and half pink. He would also talk to the babies when I would be lying in bed. He told them that he would accept them no matter what and that he already loved them very much.

"Honey I'm home!" Carter yelled right when he walked through the front door.

"I'm in the kitchen." I said. I was cooking us some dinner.

"You need to sit down. You can't be working too much the babies are coming soon."

"I'm pregnant not paralyzed."

"I don't care go sit down I'll finish cooking." I couldn't help but laugh.

"You burn water, Carter."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do I have witnesses."

"Fine, finish cooking but don't carry heavy stuff. I'll go change and be right back." I started seasoning my food when the babies started kicking.

It wasn't a normal kick.

I sat down for a second and took a deep breath.  After a few seconds I got up and started walking when I felt another kick, but this time I felt excruciating pain. I yelled in pain and next thing I know Carter was in the kitchen running towards me.

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