23. Blessing in Disguise

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This will be the last chapter with Dylan's POV. Enjoy!

Dylan's POV:

"You need to wake up right now. You can't give up after all the fighting you've done. You need to wake up, you need to finish school, your chain of restaurants. Didn't you want to be Mrs.CEO? Well then wake up goddamit." I said in frustration.

It's been two weeks since the accident and Dakota has not shown any sign of improvement. She has not woken up, and I slowly feel the hope I once had slipping away from my fingers.

Dr.Shepherd said that there was brain activity going on, so she was not brain dead but I'm starting to lose hope she's ever going to wake up.

My whole family had been extremely supportive, even my brother. If it wasn't for them I would not be eating, sleeping, or showering. Even Nonna and Landon have been sleeping in Kota's room taking care of her when I'm not able to be around because of work.

The media has been bothering my family ever since the accident. They are literally camping outside of the hospital waiting for any kind of news.

I was sitting next to her holding her hand when then was a sudden knock on the door. The door flew open and there stood no other than Alec Sloan.

"Look before you through a fit I just want to see her. Make sure she's alright. I've wanted to come ever seen I found out, but I did not want to cause a scene. But since I haven't heard anything I couldn't find myself just waiting around for any news." Keep calm I kept thinking to myself. You know that Dakota wouldn't like you attacking him. Plus, as much as it bothers me he clearly cares for her. It's good that she is surrounded by people that care about her.

"She could be doing better. She's been like this for two weeks." I calmly said.

"What have the doctors said?"

"There's brain activity which is good, but she's still not waking up." I said.

"Okay well th-"

"Do you want to sit with her? I have to run home to change and shower. I know we started off in the wrong foot, but I do appreciate you being here. I would rather have someone she knows with her incase she wakes up.

"Yes, of course I'll stay with her. Thank you." I shook my head.

"Hey baby, I'll be back. Hopefully by the time I come back you decide to open those beautiful brown eyes of yours and yell at me for something. I'll take it like a man." I chuckled and gave her a quick kiss on the forehead and decided to leave.

Before I actually left I decided to eavesdrop.

"Hey angel--" I was ready to barge in and drag him out of there, but I didn't I decided to control myself.

"Why aren't you awake? You are definitely missed at school. Chef Dave clearly misses you because he's been busting my balls, I'm clearly not at your level. I need you to wake up, I miss you. Everyone misses you, and that bright smile that made my day. I need you to wake up and make the world a better place just by your presence in it. Remember all those dreams and hopes you had? You wanted to do your chain of restaurants and then with the profit you wanted to build schools. You wanted kids to get a higher education, you wanted them to become better people. I told you that with my help, we'll do that and much more but in order to fulfill that dream you need to wake up. As much as I hate to say it, you need to wake up for your husband. With the interaction we've just had I can tell he misses you. His whole aura has changed, he's calmer and even a bit pleasant to be around. He clearly cares now, he looks miserable even uglier than usual I still look handsome as ever. I just need you to wake up please." Alec said.

There was a moment of silence and in that moment I decided to stop eavesdropping and head home.

1 hour later ~

"CODE BLUE IN ROOM 280!" Was the first thing I heard as the elevator door opened.

It hit me that Dakota's room was 280. I ran before the elevator doors completed opened.

I ran towards her room and was immediately pushed to the side by a male nurse right next to Alec who looks terrified.


"V FIB CHARGE TO 300 CLEAR!" The monitor still had a straight line.


"CHARGE TO 500 CLEAR!" They continued to use the paddles, but there was no change in the monitor. Just I was beginning to lose all of hope there was a change in the monitor.



"Gentlemen, she's fine now. We will monitor her closely this seizure is probably due to the brain surgery."

"But she's okay now right?" Alec asked.

"Yes, she's fine now. Her vitals are stable which is a good sign. Hopefully she will wake up very soon."

"Thank you, Doctor." Alec and I said at the same time. The doctor nodded and he soon left with the nurses following him.

Alec and I were both silent in the room there was enough tension to add anymore to it.

"I didn't do anything I swear." Alec said breaking the silence.

"I know." I whispered back.

I couldn't take my eyes off Dakota, if she woke up once she could wake up again right??

Maybe if I stared long enough she could wake up.

"Come on for goodness sake." I muttered.

"Please open your eyes."

I don't know if God listened to my prayers, but her eyes began slowly opening. I had to blink many times to think she wasn't hallucinating.

"She's waking up!" Alec said.

I ran to her side and grabbed her hand. Her big beautiful brown eyes were wide open.

"Talk to me, say anything." I begged.

"Alec?" She said. I won't lie and say it didn't hurt that the first word she said was his name.

Alec went to the other side of bed and grabbed her other hand.

"Hey, how are you feeling?"

"Alec, who is this?" She was completely ignoring me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm your husband."

"No you're not, WHO ARE YOU?!?" She began yelling and started getting hysterical.

"Dakota, I need you to calm down." I said.

"Get him out, Alec!" She said.

"I think it's best for you to leave I'll be right here taking care of her." Alec said. I was about to argue, but I knew he was right.

I sighed and got up.

"I'll call the doctor." I said as I left the room.

This was god's idea of giving me happiness. Maybe it's a fresh start. A blessing in disguise?

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