47. Leap of Faith

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After experiencing that very unpleasant return the family and I decided to have a family night. We binged watch movies and played a few board games before we called it a night and went back to our bedrooms. For the very first time all three of the kids were asleep.

"You know we have not had some alone time in a LONG time," Dylan said as he closed the door.

"I know I think I revirginized or something." I laughed as I headed to my drawer to get some clean clothes before showering.

"I mean the kids are asleep..."

"But what if they wake up?" I said.

"Live a little, plus I don't think I am going to last that long it has been a minute and I'm already excited." I could not help but snort at his comment.

"Mr.Maxwell am I going to be disappointed?" I said as I turned around to face him.

"Let's hope not. But let's just wait and see."

Before I even had an idea of what was going on my legs were wrapped around his hips. His lips were hungrily on top of mine. He slowly began trailing kisses down my neck. He was gently sucking causing me to moan his name.

"Yes, baby say my name." He whispered onto my neck.

I felt him walking, but he not once broke the kiss. I was now on the bed and he was on top of me. He undid all the buttons of my blouse, and unclasped my bra. He began trailing kisses down my chest, and grabbed my breast. He gently sucked on my nipple with his tongue swirling around it causing me to moan.

I hurriedly began to unbutton his shirt and unbuckle his belt. I was all ready for it.


And just like that the moment was killed.

"Who the fuck is that?" Dylan whispered.

"Watch your mouth it's literally your child." I said as I looked for my shirt.

"They were just asleep." He groaned.

"And you better hurry up before all three wake up."

"Can you go?" He asked.

"Why should I go?"

"Oh I don't know maybe because I have a massive boner." He said as he gestured to his crotch and may I say what a massive boner it was.

I couldn't help but throw my head back and laugh.

"This isn't funny I'm in pain." He said as he gently threw a pillow to my head.

"I'm sorry baby, but I'll go check on the kids." I said as I left the room still chuckling at my poor husbands situation.

After I had managed to control the crying from my kids I went back to see Dylan asleep. I chuckled and remembered how easily he would fall asleep sometimes.

The next day I woke up to my beautiful husband waking me up with breakfast in bed. I could not help, and look at my beautiful husband.

"Stop staring you're creeping me out." Dylan said as he grabbed fruit from my plate.

"Sorry, I just couldn't help but stare at that hot ass."

In reality I was staring at him in awe. I could not believe that I mourned his death and yet here he was. I had my husband, and my three kids with me. I had a loving family, and I could not ask for anything more.

I was at peace.

I was happy.

"Oh baby, don't get me started because I have a work meeting in an hour and I have to start getting ready." Dylan said as he gave me a quick peck and headed to the shower.

I decided to go check up on the kids, and much too my surprise they were still all asleep like the angelic babies they were.

I made my way downstairs, and to the kitchen where I found Libby quiet and staring out the window.

"Good morning Lib, you okay?" I said and she immediately faced my way and gave me a sad smile.

"Morning, yes I'm okay." She said.

"Lib, you don't have to lie what's wrong?"

"Kota I just need to tell you something but I'm scared how you're going to react."

"Okay, you can tell me anything. Don't worry." I said and gave her a reassuring smile.

"You remember that guy I told you about?"

"The one who was pretty much your perfect man, but it couldn't work for some reason?"

"Yes." She said and her eyes were glued to the ground.

"Okay, what about him?" I said.

"It was Alec. Please don't be upset."

I was not surprised. There was a few times I caught her looking at him, but I didn't think much about it.

"Kota, please say something."

I let out a chuckle and walked over to give her a hug.

"Lib, I'm not mad at you. Alec is a great guy so I don't blame you and he was pretty easy on the eyes, but he wasn't the man I loved. Instead of having this conversation with me, you should be telling him how you feel."

"I highly doubt his feelings would be recipocrated. He's surrounded by all these beautiful women I'm nothing compared to them."

"Lib, don't be silly. Alec is not about appearance and be quiet before I smack you. You're beautiful, smart, and so kind. I could not imagine anyone more perfect for Alec and vice versa. Plus, now that I'm thinking about it Alec would always ask why you were single since you were the entire packet."

"Did he really?"

"Yes, I have no reason to lie. And if I'm not mistaken he is currently in London filming. Lib take a risk. It's worth the risk. Borrow the private jet and fly to him. Take that leap of faith. And if he doesn't work I will fly out to London and meet up with you and we can get makeovers, sightsee, or whatever your heart desires. But as your sister I am telling you, wait no, I'm ordering you to take a leap and go tell Alec how you feel he may feel the same way. Go now!!"

Libby jumped out of her seat and attacked me in a bear hug, and ran out of the kitchen.

"Sorry Dylan!" She yelled as she ran out the kitchen. I turned around to see my husband grinning from ear to ear.

"How much did you hear?" I asked as I walked towards him.

"Everything. I'm really one lucky man." He said as he bent down to kiss my forehead.

"You really are Mr.Maxwell, but I can say I'm a little lucky too." I said as I pecked his cheek.

"You know what? Tonight, let's get Carter to babysit the kids and let's go out and have a night on the town. Let's go grab dinner and see where we go from there. I just want to spend time with and by time I mean ALONE time."

"I could not agree more, but as for now grab some coffee and head to the office you're going to be late."

"Baby, I own the company I can be as late as I want."

"Here comes the cockiness, but Mr.Maxwell if I'm not mistaken you have an important meeting with potential investors."

"Crap, you're right."

He grabbed his coffee and ran out the kitchen yelling goodbye. I was a bit bummed he didn't give me a goodbye hug, but what can I say? The life of a CEO.

As I turned around and walked over to the fridge I was suddenly spun around and given a kiss.

"Couldn't leave without giving my baby a kiss. I'll see you tonight, sweetheart."

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