21. Sperm Donor

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"No more Hayley." I whispered breaking the kiss away.

"No more Hayley, I promise." Dylan whispered back and then he continued to kiss me once more. Once again it was nothing, but magical.

"I think the song is over we should get out the dance floor before we get weird looks." Dylan said causing me to chuckle. Dylan pulled out my seat and then sat next to me. He held my hand and placed it in my lap.

Just as for once in my life I felt peace something or more like someone came to ruin that peace.

"Good evening Dylan. It was nice seeing you a week ago reminiscing about the good ol' days." At that moment I felt like vomiting. It was like a reflex I snatched my hand away from Dylan's.

"Hayley please don't cause a scene here." Dylan asked politely.

"Oh darn, Dakota I did not see you there nice seeing you here with your husband." She emphasized the word your.

"Oh Hayley, wish I could say the same. Yes, wherever my husband goes I go because I am his beloved wife." I said with my best smile. I could tell that I was getting under her skin.

"Well I just wanted to stop by, and say hello. Have a goodnight."

"Aww well thank you that is very sweet of you. Hope you have a goodnight as well." I sweetly said. After she left I high-fived myself in my mind. I stayed classy, and did not let emotions get the best of me.

"Dakota, let me explain." Dylan said breaking my train of thought. Should I let him explain?

"How do you have the audacity to say you missed me all this time, yet you met up with her. That does not add up whatsoever." I calmly said, but in reality I wanted to claw his eyes out.

"It was a slip, she came to me and I was vulnerable."

"I was sad and vulnerable too, but did I go sleep with Alec?"

"I don't know did you?" He said. Oh no he was not making matters better.

"Yeah you're right, I did and now I'm pregnant. We plan to get married right after our divorce finalizes. I was going to ask you to be the godfather of our child." I sarcastically said.

"Okay, nevermind. I just made matters worst I am so sorry. Is everyone not allowed one mistake?"

Well he was right, but this was not his first mistake. He's had so many I lost count by now.

"Li----" I was cut off mid sentence because my eyes could not believe what I saw. All those memories hit me like a train. His eyes suddenly landed on mine and he couldn't believe that I was there too.

"Dakota, what's wrong?" Dylan asked. His face had written concerned all over it.

"Why is he here?" I whispered.

"Who, baby?" He asked.


"Dakota, can we speak?" The man who I have not spoken to in years approached me asking to speak.

"Who are you?" Dylan stood up glaring at the man.

"Her father."

"No you're dead, you left my mother and I." I whispered.

"Dakota, can we please talk?"

"She does not want to speak with you, please leave and do not cause a scene." Dylan calmly said.

"I am not leaving without speaking to my daughter, who are you?"

"I am her husband."

"Well, I am her father. Father triumphs husband."

"You were not a father, you don't deserve to even call yourself her father. You're a disgrace of a human being. You left her as a child she had to become an adult to sustain herself and her mother. So no you do not triumph me because you're a nobody. You're not a father you're nothing, but a sperm donor." Dylan said. For some reason, I could not form a sentence. Not even in the worst of my nightmares did I think I would ever see my father again.

"You are not going to speak to me that way. You do not know my life or my daughter's life."

"Sir, you're wrong. I know you. I know everything."

"Dakota, please speak to me." My dad said in a pleading tone. I began looking around and I could tell that people were intrigued about what was going on. I got up my seat ignoring my father's calls and Dylan's. I headed outside because I needed air. I felt like I could not breathe.

"Dakota, I am so sorry for leaving you. I know I should have been a better father." I turned around to see my dad right behind me with Dylan.

"You left us." I said.

"I know I am so sorry."

"What are you doing here?"

"I got an invitation, so I decided to come with my wife. Do you want to meet her?" A small smile formed in his lips.

"The woman for who you left my mother?"


"What is wrong with you? You think I want to meet the whore who destroyed my household."

"Don't speak about her like that." My dad said.

"She's a damn homewrecker. How do you have the audacity to ask me if I want to meet her? What kind of miserable person are you?"

"Don't speak to me that way I am your father."

"No you are not my father, you're a damn sperm donor. A father is the one who raises the child. You were too much of a coward to stay and raise me. You left me to take care of mom who by the way is dead. Because of your stupid life decisions, I had to become an adult because my mother was too damn depressed and drunk to work. I had to not be a child and take on your responsibilities. You preferred your whore over your daughter. You forgot about me and started this new family with her. So no, you are not my father you're the coward who left me. You're the one man in this world who I never want to see. You're not my father, you're dead."

"Dakota, I'm sorry."

"You think an apology is going to make up for the times I had to pick up mom from the streets because she was too drunk to get home. You think an apology is going to make up for the times I have been sexually harassed at a diner I had to work at because the turd of my father did not send money to sustain his daughter's household. You think an apology is going to make up for all my broken dreams. You can shove your apology so far up your ass th---"

"Dakota that is enough." My father said.

"Aww does my dear father not like to hear the truth? Well before I forget one last thing. You are nobody to me. You are dead." My father tried getting closer to me.

"If you touch me I will yell bloody murder." I threatened.

"Let me hug you one last time." My father pleaded.

"No you lost that right when you walked out on me." I spatted. My father touched my arm and I did what I only could do. Run. I ran like a madwoman. I did not see where I was heading. I only heard my name being called. I ran until I felt my world being shaken up, and until everything went dark.

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