16. The Highest Bidder

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As I was walking down the street my phone began to ring.


"Turn that ass of yours around, you have a charity ball to attend tonight you need a dress you can't go with rags."

"I have clothes at home."

"Yes, but not for that event." Dylan exclaimed.

"I'll go in underwear and those nice bras you purchased."

"I wouldn't mind seeing you like that but I wouldn't appreciate other guys looking at you like that." Was he flirting?

"Ummm... how about you go by yourself."

"If you keep walking I'll fire Landon." With that he got me to stop walking.

"You wouldn't dare."

"He's loyal to me I got to give him that, but where is he right now? He could easily lose his job."

"You're a despicable human being." I spat out.

"Yeah I know it's not like I haven't heard that one before." I hanged up the phone and headed back to the venue. I yanked the door wide open and there he was grinning from ear to ear like an idiot.

"You see it's not that hard to follow instructions or is it? Let's go!" He ordered.

"You prick." I muttered.

"I heard that."

"Good that was the point."

Dylan walked towards me and gently grabbed my arm and led me towards the door. We walked towards his car and he opened the door for me. I honestly was surprised he was acting like a gentleman.

"We're heading to some stores to buy me a tux for tonight and your dress."


"I love it when you don't bicker." He said.

"Don't have much of an option."

"Glad you get that, honey."

"Honey me one more time and I promise you that's the last thing you'll be saying to me anytime soon because I'll dislocate your jaw." I threatened.

"Yes baby talk dirty to me." Dylan joked.

"What has gotten into you?"

"I'm just in a good mood."

"You in a good mood? Is the world coming to an end? It hasn't even been ten minutes since you punched a guy."

"I know getting that hit in made my day."

"So since you're in a good mood can I ask you for something?" I batted my eyelashes right at him.


"Can I bail on this event?" I asked.


"But you said anything." I pouted.

"Anything but that." He said.

"It was worth a try."

"I think you'll enjoy tonight's event." He smiled.

"With a bunch of people from the elite class? Speaking down on me? No thanks."

"Nobody is going to speak down on you I promise."

"You usually don't come through with your promises."

"Yes, I do."

"No you don't."

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